Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

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  • Farm Business Management
  • Field Crops
  • Livestock & Small Farms

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  • On-Farm Research Trials

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Events - month view

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February 2019

Soybean & Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 6, 2019
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Soybean & Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location
Please join Cornell Cooperative Extension's NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program team for the 2019 Soybean & Small Grains Congresses to be held Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at the Quality Inn & Suites, 8250 Park Road, Batavia and Thursday, February 7, 2019 at the Quality Inn, 2468 Route 414, Waterloo NY.

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
Please join Cornell Cooperative Extension's NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program team for the 2019 Soybean & Small Grains Congresses to be held Wednesday, February 6th at the Quality Inn & Suites, 8250 Park Road, Batavia and Thursday, February 7th, at the Quality Inn, 2468 State Route 414, Waterloo NY.

Feeding Your Beef Cows Through the Winter

February 12, 2019
7 pm - 8:30 pm
Warsaw, NY

Feeding Your Beef Cows Through the Winter

Learn how to meet the nutritional needs of your beef cows with available or purchased feed. Mike Baker, Cornell University's Beef Cattle Specialist will review the nutritional needs of the beef cow, how the environmental conditions impact feeding, and how the stages of pregnancy affects her needs. Nancy Glazier, Small Farms and Livestock Specialist with the NWNY Team, will discuss sampling procedures for nutrient analysis to know what you are feeding. 

2019 Precision Ag Workshop: Turning that Data into Dollars! Pre-Register by Feb 13th!

February 20, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., $59 includes lunch and materials, Prior registration and payment required.
Batavia, NY

2019 Precision Ag Workshop:  Turning that Data into Dollars!  Pre-Register by Feb 13th!

Keynote Speaker - Bob Stewart, Stewart Farms

This year's 3rd annual workshop will address prevalent, precision-agriculture management topics. Speakers will discuss the importance of understanding and applying the data generated from the fields and the role you can play to better master it. If you've been gathering field and yield data and using it to make management decisions, this workshop will help you build a strategy for using the tools you already have to drive profitability for your operation. 

Forage Congress

February 27, 2019
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Mt. Morris, NY

Forage Congress
  • Climate Smart Farming Decision Tools
  • Forage Quality to Reduce Purchase Concentrate Cost.  N Management, Guidelines for Grass, Low Lignin Alfalfa, Harvest Schedule
  • Fiber Digestibility & Corn Silage Hybrid Evaluation Using Fiber & Starch Yields
  • Silage Fermentation
  • Inventory & Shrink
  • Producer Panel

MANURE APPLICATOR TRAINING - DEC Approved Training for CAFO Farms, register by 2/22/2019!

February 28, 2019
9 a.m. - 11 a.m. - Wyo Co Ag Bus Center, Warsaw and 1 p.m. - 3 p. m. Civil Def Bldg., Bath NY

This informational meeting is for all farm owners, family members, and employees who manage their farm's manure. All farms, regardless of size are encouraged to attend. This is a DEC approved Manure Applicator Training that is required for CAFO farms. A certificate will be provided to each farm that participates in the meeting. 

March 2019

Raising Healthy Livestock: The Basics of Feeding, Health, and Quality Care

March 2, 2019
10 am - 1 pm
Lockport, NY

Raising Healthy Livestock: The Basics of Feeding, Health, and Quality Care
Raising livestock can be a rewarding enterprise. There are many things to consider, including what to feed, how to keep them healthy and how to handle them. Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team is holding a workshop for livestock farmers to help address these topics. 

Stockmanship Training for Beef Producers

March 6, 2019
6:00-9:00 pm
Bath, NY

Stockmanship Training for Beef Producers
New York is proud to welcome Curt Pate, a nationally and internationally recognized clinician, known for his abilities conducting stockmanship demonstrations.

Soil Health Workshop sponsored by Ontario & Yates Co SWCD & Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 7, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 2 p.m. 1.5 (DEC pesticide Applicator credits & 4.5 CCA CEUs)
Canandaigua, NY

To register, please return this form to: Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association, PO Box 323, Canandaigua, NY 14424, with check made payable to CLWA. You may also pre-register by calling 585-394-5030 or by February 21st, 2019. To pay with credit card, please go to the following link:
$20 per participant with pre-registration (includes lunch).
$25 per participant for walk-ins (payable by cash only).

Dairy Managers Training

March 7 - March 14, 2019
9:30 am Registration, 10 am- 3 pm Training

Dairy Managers Training
Two-day training with sessions on March 7th and March 14th

March 7th:
Meet at CCE Wyoming County
36 Center St Suite B, Warsaw, NY 14569
Visiting Emerling Farm after lunch
2904 NY-246, Perry, NY 14530

Communication with People, Erica Leubner, NYFarmNet
Communication with Animals and Cattle Handling, Curt Pate, 1 hour in classroom, 2 hours in freestall

March 14th:
Meet at CCE Ontario County
480 North Main Street Canandaigua, NY 14424
Visiting Bonna Terra Farm after lunch
8800 NY-5, Bloomfield, NY 14469 

Facility Management for Profitability
Heifer Management & Facilities, Steve Chuta, Zoetis
Partial Budgets
Farm Walk through of Heifer Facilities

2019 Farmer and Chef Fair: Cut, Prep, Pair

March 9, 2019
3 pm - 6:30 pm
Geneva, NY

2019 Farmer and Chef Fair: Cut, Prep, Pair
Finger Lakes livestock farmers are invited to participate in this year's "Meat & Great: Cut, Prep, Pair" event to showcase their farm's story and products.

Pre-Exam Training & Test to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator - Pre-Register by 3/4/19!!

March 12 - March 14, 2019
Class -12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Lunch Provided), Exam on 3/15/19 from 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. by DEC
Newark, NY

Pre-Exam Training & Test to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator - Pre-Register by 3/4/19!!
Ag Specialists Mike Stanyard and Tess Grasswitz will review core concepts and commodity-specific items in preparation for the exam.  All participants must have experience working on their own farm or through employment on another farm.  Participants must register directly with the DEC to take the EXAM and have any questions on exam eligibility answered by DEC representatives.  This training is only for those with experience and does not quality for the 30-hour pre-test training.

Wyoming County Farmland Protection Informational Seminars

March 12 - March 30, 2019
Two Dates/Times: Thursday, Mar 21st, 7-9 p.m. & Saturday, March 30th, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Warsaw, NY

Wyoming County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board (WCAFPB) will accept pre-applications from farmland owners for the next round of New York State purchase of development rights (PDR) grants through May 3, 2019 at 3:00 pm. All owners of farms interested in applying must attend an informational seminar. Landowners can attend on either Thursday, March 21, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm or Saturday, March 30, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.At the seminars, Genesee Valley Conservancy (GVC) Farmland Protection Specialist David Bojanowski will discuss PDR, Conservation Easements, New York State PDR Grant Program, an example PDR Project and landowner considerations when considering farmland protection. Cornell Cooperative Extension's (CCE) Joan Sinclair Petzen will share information about the Wyoming County Context for Farmland Protection and Wyoming County's Farmland Protection Pre-Application Process.  


March 15, 2019
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Canandaigua, NY

The New York Beef Council and Cornell Cooperative Extension are pleased to partner with Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange to offer a Beef Quality Assurance training for beef and dairy producers in the Finger Lakes region of NY. The training will be held on Friday, March 15th from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Join us at Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange located at 3865 Rts 5 & 20 Geneva Turnpike Canandaigua N.Y 14424 for a presentation by Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist, and chute side training led by Dave Wilson, retired DVM.

This training is being offered for 
FREE, thanks to sponsorship from
Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange, and will include meal and training resources. Pre-registration is required by March 11th. For further assistance or information please contact Allison, Finger Lakes Livestock at 585-394-1515 or email 

Labor Road Show II- New Date & Location for WNY!

March 21, 2019
8:30 am- 4:00 pm
Warsaw, NY

Labor Road Show II- New Date & Location for WNY!
New Date & Location for Western New York!

If you have employees, then you need to be at the New York Labor Road Show II. Experts from farms, private industry and the university will focus on critical topics that affect all farm employers including: employee housing, onboarding, sexual harassment prevention, employee engagement ,
safety, wage and hour laws, and worker care.

Internal Parasites in Sheep & Goats IPM/FAMACHA Workshop, Pre-Register by 3/28

March 30, 2019
9:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Naples, NY

Internal Parasites in Sheep & Goats IPM/FAMACHA Workshop, Pre-Register by 3/28
Internal parasites are one of the biggest health problems affecting goats and sheep in the Northeast. Dewormer resistance is becoming commonplace. As a result, producers need to know how best to manage parasites. In this workshop, producers will learn the basics of parasite control as well as how to develop integrated parasite management programs for their farms. We will also provide hands-on training on how to use the FAMACHA Anemia Card (good only for the barber pole worm) as part of a 5-point check to determine which animals in your herd or flock most likely need deworming. This workshop will also include hands-on training on doing fecal egg counts. You are welcome to bring a refrigerated fecal sample of 8 to 10 fecal pellets from one sheep or goat at your farm to the workshop.

April 2019

2019 Worker Protection Standard Training & DEC Special Permit Training (Wayne County)

April 9, 2019
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM English Session / 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Spanish Session
Newark, NY

Just like last year, Special Permits (SP) will only be issued for 11 specific pesticide labels and SP trainees will have to pass a test. This will relieve the certified pesticide applicator from "on-site within voice contact" supervision of non-certified pesticide applicators when they are handling federally-restricted-use pesticides for which they hold a Special Permit. The labels that will be covered include Lorsban Advanced, Endigo ZC, Warrior II with Zeon Technology, Agri-Mek SC, Beseige, Gramoxone SL 2.0, Leverage 360, Danitol 2.4EC, Mustang Maxx, Asana XL, and Lannate LV.

New York DEC notes that the Special Permit process is intended for farm workers with English language skills that are not adequate to pass the DEC private applicators exam. All others are encouraged to apply for their private applicator's license via taking the certification exam.

Certified Supervisors are required to attend the first 30 minutes of training. 

2019 Worker Protection Standard Training & DEC Special Permit Training (Orleans County)

April 10, 2019
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM English and Spanish combined session
Albion, NY

Just like last year, Special Permits (SP) will only be issued for 11 specific pesticide labels and SP trainees will have to pass a test. This will relieve the certified pesticide applicator from "on-site within voice contact" supervision of non-certified pesticide applicators when they are handling federally-restricted-use pesticides for which they hold a Special Permit. The labels that will be covered include Lorsban Advanced, Endigo ZC, Warrior II with Zeon Technology, Agri-Mek SC, Beseige, Gramoxone SL 2.0, Leverage 360, Danitol 2.4EC, Mustang Maxx, Asana XL, and Lannate LV.

New York DEC notes that the Special Permit process is intended for farm workers with English language skills that are not adequate to pass the DEC private applicators exam. All others are encouraged to apply for their private applicator's license via taking the certification exam.

Certified Supervisors are required to attend the first 30 minutes of training. 

Your Land as Your Legacy - Conservation Values a Special Invitation for Women Landowners.

April 10, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., $10 payable at the door
Portageville, NY

Join women landowners, like yourself, for a learning circle to find solutions for the legacy of your land. Hear how you can get started planning.

  • Clarify your goals for your land for the future.
  • Understand the basic terminology that goes along with legacy planning.
  • Learn about the planning tools to preserve your land for future generations.
  • Explore opportunities for protecting your land for agriculture and conservation.
  • Discover ways to protect your land from the high costs of long-term care.
  • Find out how other women are planning for the future of their land.
  • Meet professionals who can help you with your plan. 

Beginning Farmer/Hobby Farmer Workshop $5/pp, class size is limited, so pre-register by April 15th!

April 27, 2019
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Canandaigua, NY

This hands-on workshop is for beginning or part-time farmers who would like to improve their farm machinery skills, learn to properly and safely maintain their equipment to protect their investment. If you have been thinking about buying a tractor, new or used, two-wheel or four-wheel drive, compact or utility or more come join us. Topics include: selecting the right size/type tractor for the job; basic maintenance; staying safe around tractors and equipment; attaching implements properly; and information about ROPS and SMV's. There will be time for questions.

Pre-registration requested by April 15, 2019 email Amy with your name, address, and phone number or call 585-394-3977 x 429.
Fee: $5.00/person. Class size is limited.

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Upcoming Events

Winter Tiestall Ventilation and Cow Comfort Workshop - Yates County

February 20, 2025
Penn Yan, NY

Come see a barn fogging demonstration to learn about proper barn ventilation and circulation as well as tips to manage poor ventilation and cold stress in cows and calves in winter.  Ask questions and get advice for your own facility.

 Presented by:  Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Team and Cornell PRO-DAIRY

To Keep or Not to Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations

January 21, 2025
January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 4, 2025

Join Statewide Dairy Specialists and PRO-DAIRY every Tuesday at 12pm for an insightful webinar series discussing various aspects of dairy cattle culling management from economics to welfare. 

2025 Yates County Crops Congress

February 26, 2025
Penn Yan, NY

Featured Topics:

 New Corn Diseases to Watch For: Tar Spot and Corn Stunt

    Cover Crops- results from Yates County research trials

    Palmer amaranth and waterhemp weed management update

    Developing an integrated approach to weed management on the farm

    Bird flu updates for your dairy


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