Event Details
February 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Quality Inn (former Holiday Inn)
2468 Route 414
Waterloo, NY 13165
$35.00 Enrolled in NWNYDLFCP (paid $65, receive AG Focus)
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
$50.00 NOT Enrolled in NWNYDLFCP -do Not receive AG Focus
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
At the Door
$35.00 Enrolled in NWNYDLFCP (paid $65, receive AG Focus)
$50.00 NOT Enrolled in NWNYDLFCP -do Not receive AG Focus
$30 additional person from same farm
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsEVENT HAS PASSED
Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
February 7, 2019
Topics and Speakers include:
•Summary of the Michigan SMaRT Soybean On-Farm Research Results, Mike Staton, Soybean Specialist, Michigan State University
•Disease Management Issues in Wheat and Soybeans, Gary Bergstrom, Plant Pathologist, Cornell University
•Weed Seed Management for Fields and Combines, Bryan Brown, NYS IPM Program
•Managing Marestail and Those Nasty Pigweeds, Mark Loux, Weed Scientist, Ohio State University
•Sulfur Fertility in Soybean Production, Jodi Putman, Field Crops, Cornell Cooperative Extension
•Small Grains Updates: Wheat, Oats, Hybrid Rye and Malting Barley, Mike Stanyard, Field Crops, Cornell Cooperative Extension
Soybean & Small Grains (PDF; 1305KB)