Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

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  • Farm Business Management
  • Field Crops
  • Livestock & Small Farms

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Events - month view

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December 2017

Feed Dealer's Meeting

December 1, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Feed Dealer's Meeting
The Feed Dealer Seminars are specifically targeted for nutritionists, veterinarians, crop and management consultants, extension educators, and dairy producers with specific interest in nutrition-oriented topics. They are designed to blend the latest concepts in feeding and other management aspects of dairies with field level application. They have been conducted annually as a road show with multiple sites in New York for many years with an additional Vermont location held during the past several years in collaboration with the Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance.

Calf & Heifer Congress - 2017 "Rising Above the Challenges"

December 6 - December 7, 2017
East Syracuse, NY

Calf & Heifer Congress - 2017
Registration Now Open!

Click here to view a video highlighting the excellent programming you can expect at Calf & Heifer Congress!

CANCELLED **** Navigating the Ag Labor Maze **** CANCELLED

December 7, 2017
11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Geneva, NY

Do you hire, or are considering hiring, migrant or foreign-born labor? Do you want to improve your skills in supervising employees who come from diffeent cultures, especially workers from Mexico and Central America?

This workshop is for you!

High Tunnel Winter Greens Production Class

December 14, 2017
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Warsaw, NY

High Tunnel Winter Greens Production Class
Come learn the basics of how high tunnels work to help grow crops throughout the year. We will focus on crops grown in the tunnels during the colder months.

January 2018

Corn Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 10, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Corn Congress - Batavia Location
The Corn Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dr. Julian Smith, PhD, President of CZO Agronomics. LLC.

Jim Hershey, President, PA No-Till Alliance

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 11, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location
The Corn Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dr. Julian Smith, PhD, President of CZO Agronomics, LLC.

Jim Hershey, President, PA No-Till Alliance

Succession & Estate Planning Kickoff Seminar

January 24, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Batavia, NY

Succession & Estate Planning Kickoff Seminar
We encourage farm owner managers and potential entrants to the business to participate inthis seminar for an introduction to important concepts in succession and estate planning.

A series of workshops to help participants clarify their goals, identify a planning team to assist in achieving retirement, succession or estate planning oags and learn skills for communicating your ideas to your heirs or successors will be offered following his seminar. 

New York Learning Circles - Conservation Values - Your Land is Your Legacy

January 25, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Mount Morris, NY

New York Learning Circles - Conservation Values - Your Land is Your Legacy
More than one million women now own or manage farmland across America with many of these women inheriting their land from their spouse or parents. Research shows that women landowners can benefit from learning about conservation practices from other women landowners and conservation professionals. To reach the growing number of women landowners interested in conservation, American Farmland Trust, along with Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team & Ohio's Wood Soil & Water Conservation District, have joined together to offer a number of different opportunities to share information and learn more about preserving their land long into the future.

We hope that you can join us for 1 or more of our Learning Circles!  Invite a friend or family member to join you!!!

February 2018

2018 Cow Comfort Conference, "The Latest Research in Cow Comfort"

February 6 - February 7, 2018
Liverpool, NY

2018 Cow Comfort Conference,
Along with help from partners and sponsors, the Cornell Cooperative Extension North Country Regional Ag Team and the South Central NY Dairy & Field Crops Team are hosing the 2018 Cow Comfort Conference - "The Latest in Cow Comfort". The 2nd annual installment of this conference will highlight the importance of maximizing cow comfort while showcasing the latest research and industry findings. The conference is open to anybody, and last year's attendees included a variety of producers, allied industry, extension, and students.

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 7, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location
The Soybean/Small Grains Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dustin Lewis, PhD, District Manager, BASF Crop Protection

Adam Gaspar, PhD,  Field Agronomist, DuPont Pioneer

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 8, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
he Soybean/Small Grains Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dustin Lewis, PhD, District Manager, BASF Crop Protection

Adam Gaspar, PhD, Field Agronomist, DuPont Pioneer

NY Pork Producers - Annual Meeting

February 10, 2018
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Corfu, NY

NY Pork Producers - Annual Meeting
Producers of all ages involved in pork production are invited and encouraged to attend the NY Pork Producers annual meeting.

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Warsaw Location

February 12 - March 12, 2018
12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Warsaw Location
Members of each generation involved in agricultural business together are encouraged to attend this interactive workshop series to learn about skills, tools and tactics needed for success in a multi-generation business.

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Riga Location

February 12 - March 12, 2018
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Churchville, NY

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Riga Location
Members of each generation involved in agricultural business together are encouraged to attend this interactive workshop series to learn about skills, tools and tactics needed for success in a multi-generation business.

Sustainable Agricultural Lease Workshop

February 15, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY

Sustainable Agricultural Lease Workshop
Join Steven A. Walker, Esq. of Scolaro, Fetter, Grizanti, and McGough, P.C., Agricultural Services Division, for a discussion of sustainable agricultural leases. Come learn how farmers and landowners can work together to develop a lease. Meeting both of their goals for profitability and sustainability.

New York Learning Circles - Conservation & Farmland Leasing: Talking with Your Farmer

February 15, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Mount Morris, NY

New York Learning Circles - Conservation & Farmland Leasing: Talking with Your Farmer
More than one million women now own or manage farmland across America with many of these women inheriting their land from their spouse or parents. Research shows that women landowners can benefit from learning about conservation practices from other women landowners and conservation professionals. To reach the growing number of women landowners interested in conservation, American Farmland Trust, along with Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team & Ohio's Wood Soil & Water Conservation District, have joined together to offer a number of different opportunities to share information and learn more about preserving their land long into the future.

We hope that you can join us for 1 or more of our Learning Circles!  Invite a friend or family member to join you!!!

Adding New Cuts to Your Freezer Trade

February 21, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Canandaigua, NY

Adding New Cuts to Your Freezer Trade
Retired USDA meat marketing specialist Steve Olson will be demonstrating some of the newly developed beef cuts. These cuts can add value to your direct marketing/freezer trade sales! 

Forage Congress

February 28, 2018
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Mount Morris, NY

Forage Congress
In response to producer requests and feedback from our first Forage Congress in 2017, the NWNY Team is proud to host our second Forage Congress. This conference will bring together the topics of dynamic harvest schedule, farm forage requirements, and critical management zones for yield stability, nutrient conservation, best crop selection and economics in a one day venue. Great speakers, valuable take home messages!

CCA credits will be available.

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Upcoming Events

Winter Tiestall Ventilation and Cow Comfort Workshop - Yates County

February 20, 2025
Penn Yan, NY

Come see a barn fogging demonstration to learn about proper barn ventilation and circulation as well as tips to manage poor ventilation and cold stress in cows and calves in winter.  Ask questions and get advice for your own facility.

 Presented by:  Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Team and Cornell PRO-DAIRY

To Keep or Not to Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations

January 21, 2025
January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 4, 2025

Join Statewide Dairy Specialists and PRO-DAIRY every Tuesday at 12pm for an insightful webinar series discussing various aspects of dairy cattle culling management from economics to welfare. 

2025 Yates County Crops Congress

February 26, 2025
Penn Yan, NY

Featured Topics:

 New Corn Diseases to Watch For: Tar Spot and Corn Stunt

    Cover Crops- results from Yates County research trials

    Palmer amaranth and waterhemp weed management update

    Developing an integrated approach to weed management on the farm

    Bird flu updates for your dairy


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