Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

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December 2017

Feed Dealer's Meeting

December 1, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Feed Dealer's Meeting
The Feed Dealer Seminars are specifically targeted for nutritionists, veterinarians, crop and management consultants, extension educators, and dairy producers with specific interest in nutrition-oriented topics. They are designed to blend the latest concepts in feeding and other management aspects of dairies with field level application. They have been conducted annually as a road show with multiple sites in New York for many years with an additional Vermont location held during the past several years in collaboration with the Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance.

*CANCELLED*Marketing Meeting ~ Fonda

December 4, 2017
6:00-7:30 pm
Fonda, NY

The Marketing meetings have been postponed. An announcement will go up when they are rescheduled. 

In order to stay in business as producers, we need to learn how to produce a consistent product for our  consumers to continue to come back year after year. 

*CANCELLED*Marketing Meeting ~ Norwich

December 5, 2017
6:00-7:30 pm
Norwich, NY

The Marketing meetings have been postponed. An announcement will go up when they are rescheduled. 

In order to stay in business as producers, we need to learn how to produce a consistent product for our  consumers to continue to come back year after year. 

Calf & Heifer Congress - 2017 "Rising Above the Challenges"

December 6 - December 7, 2017
East Syracuse, NY

Calf & Heifer Congress - 2017 "Rising Above the Challenges"
Registration Now Open!

Click here to view a video highlighting the excellent programming you can expect at Calf & Heifer Congress!

*CANCELLED*Marketing Meeting ~ Ballston Spa

December 6, 2017
6:00-7:30 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

The Marketing meetings have been postponed.  An announcement will go up when they are rescheduled. 

In order to stay in business as producers, we need to learn how to produce a consistent product for our  consumers to continue to come back year after year. 

CANCELLED **** Navigating the Ag Labor Maze **** CANCELLED

December 7, 2017
11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Geneva, NY

Do you hire, or are considering hiring, migrant or foreign-born labor? Do you want to improve your skills in supervising employees who come from diffeent cultures, especially workers from Mexico and Central America?

This workshop is for you!

Academy for Dairy Executives

December 12 - February 21, 2018

The Academy for Dairy Executives Program (Academy) is an educational opportunity for progressive dairy executives. 

Academy for Dairy Executives

December 12, 2017
Hamilton, Auburn & Oneonta, NY

Cornell University Cooperative Extension and PRO-DAIRY invite you to apply for this three part educational program in Central NY.

The Academy for Dairy Executives:  Developing Leadership and Management Skills for Young Dairy Professionals
  • Gain a better understanding of the fast-changing dairy industry
  • Learn from and interact with other producers and dairy professionals
  • Improve leadership and management skills of a successful dairy business during volatile times
  • Develop skills necessary to lead your dairy business into the future

2017 Dairy Summit

December 13, 2017
10am - 3pm
Canton, NY

Matt Draper, Executive Director of the Shipley Center for
Innovations, Clarkson University
Lindsay Ferlito, Kimberley Morrill, and Kelsey O'Shea,
North Country Regional Ag Team
Frank Welcome, Sr. Extension Associate, Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS)

Click here to register.

High Tunnel Winter Greens Production Class

December 14, 2017
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Warsaw, NY

High Tunnel Winter Greens Production Class
Come learn the basics of how high tunnels work to help grow crops throughout the year. We will focus on crops grown in the tunnels during the colder months.

2017 Dairy Summit

December 20, 2017
10am - 3pm
Malone, NY

Matt Draper, Executive Director of the Shipley Center for
Innovations, Clarkson University
Lindsay Ferlito, Kimberley Morrill, and Kelsey O'Shea,
North Country Regional Ag Team
Frank Welcome, Sr. Extension Associate, Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS)

Click here to register.

January 2018

NYCO (NY Certified Organic) Meeting

January 9, 2018
10 am - 2 pm
Geneva, NY

New York Certified Organic Sets 2018 Winter Program Series:
Crop Rotations, Quality Forage Harvest, Pastured Hogs, Farm Startup 

New York Certified Organic (NYCO) has announced its 2018 series of Winter Meetings with a January 9 session on crop rotations with a presentation on, February 13 focus on harvesting quality forage, and a March 13 spotlight on adding pastured hogs to a diversified dairy or crop business and general farm start-up opportunities.

The free-to-attend NYCO meetings begin at 10 AM in Jordan Hall at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station and provide organic crop growers and dairy farmers together with the opportunity to learn from presenters and network. There is no need to register for meetings. 

Participants are asked to bring a dish to pass at the potluck lunch.

Corn Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 10, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Corn Congress - Batavia Location
The Corn Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dr. Julian Smith, PhD, President of CZO Agronomics. LLC.

Jim Hershey, President, PA No-Till Alliance

2018 SCNY Dairy Manager's Discussion Group Kick-off Meeting

January 10, 2018
Noon - 3pm
Cortland, NY

The Dairy Manager Discussion Group will start out 2018 with a Kick-off Meeting at the Cortland County Office Building.  

Topics include an Outlook on Dairy as well as an Update on Labor Regulations.

Speakers:   Dr Andy Novakovic, Cornell University
Tom Maloney, Cornell University

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 11, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location
The Corn Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dr. Julian Smith, PhD, President of CZO Agronomics, LLC.

Jim Hershey, President, PA No-Till Alliance

No-Till Discussion Group

January 11, 2018
4 pm - 6 pm
Lansing, NY

Please join with other no-tillers to share experiences. Jim Hershey has been practicing no-till for 25 years+ and cover cropping for 15. He owns and operates a 600 Ac livestock and grain farm located in Elizabethtown, PA & has been operating a Crop Mgt Service that covers several thousand acres. Jim recently installed a ZRX roller on this corn planter to be able to roll and plant into green cover. This has helped reduce weed pressure, less herbicide, build organic matter while conserving moisture and nutrients. Featuring: Jim Hershey, President of the Pennsylvania No-Till Alliance

We will meet in the Conference Room over the Rotary Parlor

Come as you are! Barn clothes are fine.

Please RSVP to Janice if you plan to come - click registration.

 or @ 607-391-2672 or

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Herkimer County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 12, 2018
1-3 pm
Little Falls, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Chenango County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 16, 2018
1-3 pm
Norwich, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Schoharie County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 17, 2018
1-3 pm
Cobleskill, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

Hemp Permit Discussion Group

January 17, 2018
Binghamton, NY

Now that you have your permit ~ What's next?
Join us for an informal discussion for sharing and next steps!

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Saratoga County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 18, 2018
1-3 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Otsego County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 19, 2018
1-3 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Fulton/Montgomery Counties**Date Update**

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 22, 2018
1-3 pm
Fonda, NY

Register now for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings! 

Note that this event date has been updated.

Jefferson County Dairy Scene

January 23, 2018
10am - 3pm
Watertown, NY

Keynote Address: Generational and Consumer Product Trends or "Why don't people serve milk with dinner anymore?"
Matt Draper, Executive Director of the Shipley Center for Innovations, Clarkson University.

Winter Crop Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 24, 2018
9 am - 10 am Tradeshow, 10am - 3:30 pm Program
Ithaca, NY

Winter Crop Meeting
CCA and 2 DEC credits are in application.
This meeting features an array of topics important to dairy and field crop producers. Since incidences of  Hazardous algal Blooms in nearby Finger Lakes and lakes across NYS are on the rise, Karl Czymmek, keynote speaker will discuss Harmful Algal Blooms and where the ag community goes from here.  

Succession & Estate Planning Kickoff Seminar

January 24, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Batavia, NY

Succession & Estate Planning Kickoff Seminar
We encourage farm owner managers and potential entrants to the business to participate inthis seminar for an introduction to important concepts in succession and estate planning.

A series of workshops to help participants clarify their goals, identify a planning team to assist in achieving retirement, succession or estate planning oags and learn skills for communicating your ideas to your heirs or successors will be offered following his seminar. 

New York Learning Circles - Conservation Values - Your Land is Your Legacy

January 25, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Mount Morris, NY

New York Learning Circles - Conservation Values - Your Land is Your Legacy
More than one million women now own or manage farmland across America with many of these women inheriting their land from their spouse or parents. Research shows that women landowners can benefit from learning about conservation practices from other women landowners and conservation professionals. To reach the growing number of women landowners interested in conservation, American Farmland Trust, along with Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team & Ohio's Wood Soil & Water Conservation District, have joined together to offer a number of different opportunities to share information and learn more about preserving their land long into the future.

We hope that you can join us for 1 or more of our Learning Circles!  Invite a friend or family member to join you!!!

Lewis County Dairy Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 30, 2018
10am - 3pm
Lowville, NY

FSA Borrower Credits Available

Click here to register.

NYCO Winter Meetings

January 30, 2018

Meeting discusses putting hogs into crop rotation & funding opportunities for beginning farmers.
Our meetings are free and there is no need to RSVP! Please bring a dish to share for our potluck lunch!

February 2018

22nd Annual North Country Crop Congress and Agribusiness Tradeshow

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 1, 2018
Lowville, NY

2018 Cow Comfort Conference

February 6 - February 7, 2018
Liverpool, NY

Topics Include:
The importance of maximizing cow comfort and the role of animal welfare in the dairy industry
Preparing for the worst (animal abuse allegations and emergencies)
Cow comfort and economics of robotic milking herds
Cow comfort in the maternity pen
Cow cooling vs. barn ventilation

Speakers Include:
Dr. Katy Proudfoot, Ohio State University
Dr. Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph
Jason Karszes, Cornell University
Curt Gooch, Cornell University

Click here to register.

2018 Cow Comfort Conference

February 6 - February 7, 2018
Liverpool, NY

Topics Include:
The importance of maximizing cow comfort and the role of animal welfare in the dairy industry
Preparing for the worst (animal abuse allegations and emergencies)
Cow comfort and economics of robotic milking herds
Cow comfort in the maternity pen
Cow cooling vs. barn ventilation

Speakers Include:
Dr. Katy Proudfoot, Ohio State University
Dr. Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph
Jason Karszes, Cornell University
Curt Gooch, Cornell University

2018 Cow Comfort Conference, "The Latest Research in Cow Comfort"

February 6 - February 7, 2018
Liverpool, NY

2018 Cow Comfort Conference, "The Latest Research in Cow Comfort"
Along with help from partners and sponsors, the Cornell Cooperative Extension North Country Regional Ag Team and the South Central NY Dairy & Field Crops Team are hosing the 2018 Cow Comfort Conference - "The Latest in Cow Comfort". The 2nd annual installment of this conference will highlight the importance of maximizing cow comfort while showcasing the latest research and industry findings. The conference is open to anybody, and last year's attendees included a variety of producers, allied industry, extension, and students.

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 7, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location
The Soybean/Small Grains Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dustin Lewis, PhD, District Manager, BASF Crop Protection

Adam Gaspar, PhD,  Field Agronomist, DuPont Pioneer

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 8, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
he Soybean/Small Grains Congresses are right around the corner! We have two exceptional speakers this year.

Dustin Lewis, PhD, District Manager, BASF Crop Protection

Adam Gaspar, PhD, Field Agronomist, DuPont Pioneer

Hemp Workshop at the NYS Farmshow

February 8, 2018

Hemp Workshop at the NYS Farmshow
Joy Beckerman, Principal, Hemp Ace International 
Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins, Asst. Professor of Agronomy, SUNY Morrisville
Reuben Stone, Valley Bio Ltd.
Chris Logue, Director, Division of Plant Industry, NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets
Lawrence B. Smart, Professor Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Professor, Cornell 

**Get a free entrance ticket at local Ag businesses or CCE!**

NY Pork Producers - Annual Meeting

February 10, 2018
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Corfu, NY

NY Pork Producers - Annual Meeting
Producers of all ages involved in pork production are invited and encouraged to attend the NY Pork Producers annual meeting.

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Warsaw Location

February 12 - March 12, 2018
12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Warsaw Location
Members of each generation involved in agricultural business together are encouraged to attend this interactive workshop series to learn about skills, tools and tactics needed for success in a multi-generation business.

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Riga Location

February 12 - March 12, 2018
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Churchville, NY

Planning for Succession - Managing Business Transition to a New Generation, Riga Location
Members of each generation involved in agricultural business together are encouraged to attend this interactive workshop series to learn about skills, tools and tactics needed for success in a multi-generation business.

SCNY Dairy Manager Discussion Group Tour to WNY

February 13, 2018
10 am- 3pm
Newark, NY

SCNY Dairy Manager Discussion Group Tour to WNY

2018 Corn Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 13, 2018
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cooperstown, NY

CNYDLFC Annual Corn Day

NYCO Winter Meetings

February 13, 2018

Meeting discusses forages with Tom Kilcer.
Our meetings are free and there is no need to RSVP! Please bring a dish to share for our potluck lunch!

Sustainable Agricultural Lease Workshop

February 15, 2018
7:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY

Sustainable Agricultural Lease Workshop
Join Steven A. Walker, Esq. of Scolaro, Fetter, Grizanti, and McGough, P.C., Agricultural Services Division, for a discussion of sustainable agricultural leases. Come learn how farmers and landowners can work together to develop a lease. Meeting both of their goals for profitability and sustainability.

New York Learning Circles - Conservation & Farmland Leasing: Talking with Your Farmer

February 15, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Mount Morris, NY

New York Learning Circles - Conservation & Farmland Leasing: Talking with Your Farmer
More than one million women now own or manage farmland across America with many of these women inheriting their land from their spouse or parents. Research shows that women landowners can benefit from learning about conservation practices from other women landowners and conservation professionals. To reach the growing number of women landowners interested in conservation, American Farmland Trust, along with Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team & Ohio's Wood Soil & Water Conservation District, have joined together to offer a number of different opportunities to share information and learn more about preserving their land long into the future.

We hope that you can join us for 1 or more of our Learning Circles!  Invite a friend or family member to join you!!!

Heifer Workshop - How to Make Decisions on Who to Keep, Genetics and Record Keeping

February 15, 2018
Registration: 9:30, Program: 10-3pm
Ithaca, NY

Heifer Workshop - How to Make Decisions on Who to Keep, Genetics and Record Keeping
How to Make Decisions on Who to Keep, Genetics and Record Keeping

Topics include:
Economics of heifer programs
Record keeping and tracking heifer programs with dairy comp
Decision making based on genetics

Organic Weed Management Topics

February 21, 2018
McLean, NY

Organic Weed Management Topics
Cost: $10, includes lunch

Speakers include:
• Matt Ryan, an Assistant Professor at Cornell's Sustainable Cropping System Lab. He will talk about crop rotation, cover crops, and other cultural weed management practices. His interests also include: using cover crops for organic no-till soybean production, perennial grains, and adapting to climate change.
• An Organic Farmer Panel including:
o Tony Potenza of Trumansburg, who has had a tremendous history of organic field crop experience evidenced by his NOFA NY Farmer ID # of 01.
o Pete Mapstone of Manlius NY, Pete and his son Jeremy grow forage and grain to feed their 300 cow organic dairy.
o Phil Stauderman of Genoa NY raises organic crops for his son Karl's dairy and to sell

Adding New Cuts to Your Freezer Trade

February 21, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Canandaigua, NY

Adding New Cuts to Your Freezer Trade
Retired USDA meat marketing specialist Steve Olson will be demonstrating some of the newly developed beef cuts. These cuts can add value to your direct marketing/freezer trade sales! 

Hemp Workshop at the NYS Farmshow

February 23, 2018

Hemp Workshop at the NYS Farmshow
Joy Beckerman, Principal, Hemp Ace International 
Jennifer Gilbert Jenkins, Asst. Professor of Agronomy, SUNY Morrisville
Reuben Stone, Valley Bio Ltd.
Chris Logue, Director, Division of Plant Industry, NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets
Lawrence B. Smart, Professor Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Professor, Cornell 

**Get a free entrance ticket at local Ag businesses or CCE!**

2018 Pesticide Recertification Core Credits

February 27, 2018
10-3pm (2-1 hour sessions in the morning, 2-1 hour sessions in the afternoon)
Canton, NY

Farmer Appreciation Luncheon

February 27, 2018
Dryden, NY

Farmer Appreciation Luncheon
In conjunction with CCE Cortland and Farm Service Agency.
For more information please contact Melanie Palmer at 315.424.9485 ext. 228 or

2018 Pesticide Recertification Core Credits

February 28, 2018
10-3pm (2-1 hour sessions in the morning, 2-1 hour sessions in the afternoon)
Malone, NY

Forage Congress

February 28, 2018
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Mount Morris, NY

Forage Congress
In response to producer requests and feedback from our first Forage Congress in 2017, the NWNY Team is proud to host our second Forage Congress. This conference will bring together the topics of dynamic harvest schedule, farm forage requirements, and critical management zones for yield stability, nutrient conservation, best crop selection and economics in a one day venue. Great speakers, valuable take home messages!

CCA credits will be available.











Upcoming Events

On-Farm Research Network

March 17, 2025
Avon, NY

The Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Program and  Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program (NMSP)  are hosting a one-day event bringing together farmers, industry professionals, and researchers to explore the power of on-farm research and how to get involved.

View On-Farm Research Network Details

Transition Calf Workshop

March 18, 2025 : Transition Calf Program
Strykersville, NY

Are transition calves a bottleneck in your heifer rearing program?  Want to upskill your employees to improve the calf transition period? Join regional dairy specialists and PRO-Dairy for this comprehensive, hands-on workshop!

View Transition Calf Workshop Details

Colostrum and Calf Technologies

March 18, 2025 : Colostrum and Calf Technologies
Pavilion, NY

Join us for a dinner meeting with Penn State University's renowned calf specialist, Dr. Melissa Cantor, on new applied research on extended colostrum feeding and calf-hood technology use.

View Colostrum and Calf Technologies Details


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