Beginning Farms

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Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - the latest updates and what it means for poultry health
March 18, 2025 : Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - the latest updates and what it means for poult
What Do I need for a Cattle Handling System?
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Handling cattle safely is a must for any livestock farm. Here are two resources to help design a handling system, plus one on the principles of low stress handling.
Farm Financial Management Practices for Unfavorable Economic Conditions
Sound financial planning and control improve owner's abilities to manage their businesses during unfavorable economic conditions. Consider the current environment affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lack of rain in many areas. Budgeting is a valuable farm financial management practice for these situations. Visit (Brandie, please insert link here) to learn more about budgeting and its value in managing your farm business.
" Do's and Don'ts for Dairy farmers When Facing Financial Difficulty"
During times of financial difficulty it is important to be mindful and methodical in financial decision making. " Do's and Don'ts for Dairy farmers When Facing Financial Difficulty" provides guidance on making objective decisions during a financial downturn.
Pricing Corn Silage -- Fall 2019
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
- Analysis suggests corn silage price depends on corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price, the price received by farmers for milk, and corn grain price.
- Analysis for NY suggests that estimated corn silage price is most sensitive to corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price and corn grain price.
- Price estimates combined with understanding of relevant supply and demand factors from an individual farm business owner's perspective can aid decision making regarding corn silage price. Given recently available alfalfa hay and corn grain prices (May through July, 2019, and August 27, 2019, respectively), price analysis for NY suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $45 per ton. The Fall 2018 estimate was about $41 per ton.
Resources for Making a Decision on the Dairy Margin Coverage Program
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Decision making for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program benefits from the availability of two recent webinars.
Webinar for Dairy Producers will Cover New Dairy Margin Coverage Program
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The USDA/Farm Service Agency in New York is partnering with the NYS Crop Insurance Education Program to present a webinar for dairy producers.
Winter Feeding Beef Cows
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Winter is a challenging time to feed the beef herd. Mud, cold and snow or rain can stress your cows and increase their nutritional needs. How do you know if you are meeting the needs of your herd?
Economics of Producing Industrial Hemp in NYS, 2019 Budgets
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Farm business owners can use 2019 budgets to make decisions regarding industrial hemp's place in their cropping systems.
Malting Barley Budgets, New York, 2019
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Farm business owners can use the 2019 revenue, costs and returns estimates from the budgets to make decisions regarding malting barley's place in their cropping systems.
Deer Farming
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Cervid production is a $3 billion industry in the US. There are many opportunities for farms to raise deer, but proper care and health management is critical.
Stockpiling Pastures
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The Meaning and Use of Feed Analysis

Beef Specialist Mike Baker explains the nutrient requirements for beef cattle and interpreting the forage analysis.
Know a Better Pasture
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Pasture is a great way to feed your livestock during the growing season.
Meet the Specialist, Nancy Glazier

Meet Small Farms Specialist Nancy Glazier as she works with Peter Lehning and John Lehning, new beef producers.
Five Major Concerns During Kidding and Lambing

Livestock Specialist Ashley McFarland's first issue of The Livestock Journal covers lambing and kidding.
Breeding Goats Out of Season
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

This fact sheet fro Dr. tatiana Stanton, Cornell small ruminant specialist, provides an overview of common procedures used in dairy goats to induce them bred out of season. It then summarizes the results of observations from 2005 to 2007 for 13 Northeast US meat goat farms attempting to breed their meat goats out of season and describes the successful management practices used by some of the farms.
Malting Barley Budgets, New York, 2018
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Farm business owners can use the 2018 cost, revenue and return estimates from the budgets to make decisions regarding malting barley's place in their cropping systems.
Dealing with Frostbite on Newborn Lambs and Kids
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Frostbite can be more serious than just ear damage in a cold winter.
Improved Meat Marketing for Small Scale Farms in the Northeast

Part 1. Understand the customer and their needs: Developing marketing strategy.
Labeling Guideline on Documentation Needed to Substantiate Animal Raising Claims
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the Agency in USDA with the responsibility for ensuring that the labeling of meat and poultry products is truthful and not misleading.
Creating an Optimal Promotional Strategy for your business

At some time or another, most businesses find themselves developing various types of promotions to stimulate sales. Promotions are rarely "one-off" occurrences rather they are a part of an overall company promotional strategy. Article by Debra Wood Perosio, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University.
Estimated cost of production, conventionally tilled malting barley
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Producers can use cost and returns estimates to make decisions regarding malting barley production's place in their cropping systems: understanding variability plays an important role.
Malting Barley Budgets, Conventional Tillage, New York, 2017
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Producers can use cost and return estimates to make decisions regarding malting barley production's place in their cropping systems; understanding variability plays an important role.
Malting Barley Budgets, Reduced Tillage, New York, 2017
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Producers can use cost and return estimates to make decisions regarding malting barley production's place in their cropping systems; understanding variability plays an important role.
Decoding the Label: Know Your Beef Choices

Check out the newly released fact sheet on types of beef production practices.
Managing Spring Grass Growth and Selective Grazing

For most beef cattle farmers who are managing their pastures in a rotational grazing system two of the biggest spring challenges are the flush of rapid growth that will occur and selective grazing. OSU Wayne Co. extension educator Rory Lewandowski reviews some basic plant growth biology and grazing principles that may suggest some management strategies. Click here for the full article.
Forage Congress - Presentations
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

New to the NWNY Team's lineup this winter was Forage Congress at the Genesee River Restaurant and Reception Center in Mount Morris, NY.
This event covered timely topics recommended by the region's producers. The morning's session began with an overview of the cropping plan from the ground up, economics of high fiber digestibility, and new alfalfa varieties with quality grasses. The afternoon covered double cropping with winter triticale and options for properly storing silages.
HPAI Identified in Tennessee
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Now is the time to be diligent with biosecurity with your poultry flock with HPAI identified in the US.
Economic Benefits from Utilizing Cover Crops as Forage

Planting cover crops, then grazing or harvesting them, is a practical way to effectively reduce nutrient pollution,
plus provide economic benefits to cattle owners. Project conducted by the Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Deer Worm in Small Ruminants

The purpose of this article is to familiarize goat and sheep farmers with 1) typical signs of deer worm infection and 2) potential treatments to discuss with your veterinarian. By Dr. tatiana Stanton, Cornell Univ. Small Ruminant Extension Specialist
New Video: "Determining the Market Readiness of Beef Cattle"

Knowing when an animal is ready for 'finish' or 'slaughter' is extremely important for getting a premium price and satisfying the unique needs of your customers. The Cornell Small Farms Program and the Baskets to Pallets project are pleased to announce a new educational video for livestock producers titled, "Determining the Market Readiness of Beef Cattle". Mike Baker, Cornell Beef Cattle Extension Specialist, takes the viewer on a visual tour of features to assess of both finished and unfinished steers and heifers, including beef breeds and dairy crosses. The video will be an excellent resource for livestock farmers and educators alike. Special thanks to Mike Baker and Lynn Bliven of Allegany County Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Fall Forages
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Fall is coming, whether or not you have all your hay crops needed for the winter.
Commissioner Urges Swine Owners to use Best Practices to Prevent Disease Spread

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball today urged swine owners in New York to take proactive steps to prevent the spread of Swine Brucellosis (SB).
Click here for more information.
Multispecies pastures show productivity, drought tolerant promise

R. Howard Skinner a physiological plant ecologist and member of the USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. He's been looking into how to increase the amount of forage (grasses and plants that animals eat) pastures can grow.
Click here for the rest of the story.
Fall Feeding Decision Tools
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Many farms in the Lake Plains and Finger Lakes Regions in New York have diminished forage supply for the feeding season we are about to enter. Drought conditions have challenged our production systems in 2016. Here are some tools to help with decision making.
Multi-State Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Backyard Chickens
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Contact with live poultry and their environment can make people sick with Salmonella infections. Live poultry can be carrying Salmonella bacteria but appear healthy and clean and show no signs of illness. Follow these steps for protecting yourself and others while enjoying backyard poultry.
Summer Annual Forage Options
This factsheet was developed for Northern New York, but still is relevant in our area.
Requirements for Selling Shell Eggs in New York State
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The fact sheet is a great resource for the small egg producer.
Custom Machinery Rates
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Trying to figure out how much to pay or charge for custom machinery operations? Check out the 2016 custom rate summaries from Pennsylvania.
Grazing Management: Toxic Plants

Annual forage crops grown in place of fallow can provide high-quality forage during key production periods and may help reduce soil erosion, suppress weeds, and increase soil nutrient profiles. Kansas State has put together this list.
Managing During Low Milk Prices, Dairy Farm Business Summary, NY, 2016

Written by:
Get Off to a Good Grazing Season Start!
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The grazing season will soon be here. Start planning now for the grazing season, if you haven't already.
Crisis Planning for Your Dairy, Part 4
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Is your livestock enterprise prepared if the next attack on agriculture targets your farm as an example of alleged mistreatment of animals, environmental pollution or community group opposition, farm worker issues or an accidental injury or death? Any farm is vulnerable to being in the media spotlight at a moment's notice. Understanding and preparing for a crisis helps you to protect yourself, industry image and consumer confidence. A written on-farm crisis response plan can help your business to weather a storm of attention from the media or social media.
How to Respond to the Media in a Crisis, Part 3
Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Imagine this: an animal rights activist group has released a video alleging animal abuse at your dairy farm (or a manure spill, farmworker abuse… insert crisis here). You have a few minutes to collect your thoughts before the phones start ringing off the hook with questions from media and requests for interviews. What do you do?
Is Your Farm Prepared For a Crisis? Part 1
Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Are you ready for an undercover video to be released depicting animal abuse on your dairy farm? Who could be ready for that?
Preventing an Undercover Video Crisis at Your Farm, Part 2
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin
Livestock farmers value their animals and work tirelessly to be certain they are well cared for. That being said, anyone in animal business today thinks about the remote possibility of their business being targeted and the horrific effect an undercover video being released about their animal handling practices might have. To take Franklin's advice, one must exercise caution in order to minimize the risk to their business of being the target of malicious exposure.
March is Frost Seeding Time!
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

March is usually a great time to add some legumes into your pastures or hayfields. It is a way to improve pastures without losing a production year.
Introduction to MeatSuite
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The meat marketing website,, has expanded across the state. is a free online directory of livestock farms selling meat in bulk quantities. MeatSuite is a project of Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins and Steuben Counties to promote direct, local, meat sales and is currently funded by the New York Farm Viability Institute.
Can value be added to Holstein bull calves?

With favorable market conditions, it can be profitable raising dairy beef.
Feeder Calf Pool Sale Set, December 16
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Two groups of producers, one in central NY and another in northern NY have come together to market their cattle cooperatively in hopes of building a reputation which over time will increase price of their feeder cattle.
Prevent Avian Influenza at Your Farm

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has issued this fact sheet on biosecurity
Welcome to MeatSuite!
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops is a free online directory of regional livestock farms selling meat in bulk quantities.
Cornell Bull Test Sign-up is Underway
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Cornell All Forage Fed Bull Test is looking for a few good bulls. This will be the fourth year of the stored feed test; a new addition is an optional 84-day pasture component.
Crop Cam
Mike Stanyard, Team Leader and Field Crops & IPM Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Tune in as the NWNY Teams' Extension agronomists put on their GoPro cameras and head to the field.
Apply Now for New Farmer Profit Teams
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Do you need some decision support to improve profitability of the farm business after 3-9 years of running it? Farmers at this stage are often faced with critical decisions that determine the long-term viability of their operation.
USDA Guide for Organic Crop Producers
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Thinking about transitioning some acres to organic production? Already an organic crop farmer and need to review some information? Check out the USDA Guide for Organic Crop Producers in the PDF below.
Gov. Cuomo Announces New Farmer Grant
The New York State New Farmers Grant Fund was created to provide assistance to new and early stage farmers and encourage farming as a career path to sustain and grow agribusiness across New York State.
Cover Crops for Livestock Grazing

Penn State Extension Educator, Dave Hartman, writes soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, increased success with no-till, among others, are reasons why cover crop usage is increasing.
Pate Visit a Success!
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The National Beef Quality Assurance program offered to assist with expenses to bring stockmanship expert Curt Pate to NY.
The Small Ruminant Toolbox

The Small Ruminant Toolbox includes many publications, presentations and other resources that will be helpful to small ruminant producers.
A Growing Opportunity for New York Angus Producers
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
A new marketing opportunity is available through Local Harvest to market Angus and Red Angus cattle.
Pricing for Your Farm Store
Kristen Park, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University writes about how to go about pricing your farm products.
Cornell All Forage Fed Bull Test, Year 3
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Cornell All Forage Fed Bull Test is expanding for Year 3.
GrassSnap, New App for Monitoring Grasslands

GrassSnap makes checking grass as easy as checking salt or water!
USDA Helps New and Beginning Farmers
USDA continues its commitment to the future of agriculture by unveiling, a one-stop shop for new and beginning farmers entering agriculture. It?s a practical, workable tool that will help farmers and ranchers of tomorrow tap into the range of USDA resources today. Featuring direct links to USDA programs and services, as well as case studies about how USDA support is being put to work to for America?s agriculture future, is a welcome new resource.
It's Never Too Early to Begin Bull Development
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

I ran across some interesting journal articles working with the NY All Forage Fed Bull Test stressing the importance of good nutrition for bull development. It has been found that the first 2-6 months of age is a critical time period, an age that is usually overlooked. Significant herd improvements or declines can be made with the herd bull!
PEDv Resources for the Upcoming Fair Season

4-H staff has compiled this list of resources for the upcoming fair and show season.
USDA Grass Fed Program For Small and Very Small (SVS) Producers

The USDA is now offering lower-cost verification for 2-year certification.
Tips on Dealing with Extreme Cold
Beth Dahl, WNY Dairy Modernization Specialist, Harvest NY
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Winter provides additional challenges in managing cattle health and milk quality. These tips from CCE Dairy Specialist Dr. Kimberly Morrill can help you prepare for more cold weather.
Pasture Recordkeeping Tools
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Graziers may find these tools useful for recordkeeping.
Need a Slaughterhouse?

Need a Slaughterhouse? New Map Simplifies Search.
Marketing Beef Direct to Consumers

FAQs from Lynn Bliven, CE Allegany/Cattaraugus Counties.
PEDv: What does it mean for NY's Swine Producers?
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) has arrived in New York with a vengeance.
Soil Sampling for Field Crops
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Not sure how to sample your soil? Download this Cornell Agronomy Fact Sheet. More Agronomy Fact Sheets are available at the Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program website.
Alfalfa Management Guide
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Have a question about growing alfalfa? You will probably find the answer in "The Alfalfa Management Guide". This is a must have reference for anyone working with "the queen of forages".
Getting the Most Out of Your Manure Presentation
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

There are many practical, cost-effective manure management practices can be adopted on farms of all sizes.
Dealing with Extreme Winter Weather
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

When the temperatures drop it's important to take extra precautions needed to keep animals, machinery, and yourself warm and safe.
Apps for Ag
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
List of some apps for smartphone users.
Which cows to cull?
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Fall is the time to finalize your decision on which cows should be culled from the herd.
Beef Cattle Working Facility Components
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
This fact sheet from Dr. Mike Baker, Beef Cattle Extension Specialist, covers the minimum components needed for a handling system.
Dr. Temple Grandin's Web Page
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Dr. Temple Grandin is one of the leading experts on livestock behavior and welfare.
Guide to Marketing Channel Selection
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Market channel selection is as important as production decisions for the small to medium sized fruit and vegetable operation. The new "Guide to Marketing Channels" is a decision-making aid for new farmers and for those considering marketing through a new channel. The guide focuses on the marketing of fresh-market produce, however many of the marketing principles apply other agricultural products such as cut flowers, meats, honey, maple syrup, and dairy products. While generalizations are made about the channels, exact details are subject to conditions with individual farms, their location, potential customer base size, and other factors.
How Do I Market My Meat Products?
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

The article provides some strategies to target your marketing efforts.
Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Find resources for transitioning to organic dairy production.
Organic and Alternative Livestock Production Systems
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Need some additional resources for managing organic pastures, hay, and silage for your livestock?
Organic Livestock
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Organic production is one option for livestock farms. Here's a link to the University of Florida's Small Farms & Alternative Enterprises website.
Resource Guide to Direct Marketing Livestock and Poultry
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
One of the most challenging parts of farming is the marketing piece. This guide provides useful information on getting started.
Beginning Farmer Resources at the Cornell University Small Farms Program
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The Small Farms Program at Cornell University offers general resources, information about internships and jobs, and land link programs for beginning farmers.
Ag Alternatives - Beef Cow-Calf Production
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The beef cow-calf business is well adapted to small-scale and part-time farmers who have land suitable for pasture and hay production. Included are two sample beef cow-calf budgets.
American Farmland Trust's New York Agricultural Landowner Guide
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
American Farmland Trust's New York Agricultural Landowner Guide aims to help farmers and other farmland owners navigate the sometimes confusing array of public programs available to reduce taxes as well as steward and protect their land.
Building a Sustainable Business
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Building A Sustainable Business - A Guide To Developing A Business Plan For Farms and Rural Businesses brings the business planning process alive to help today's alternative and sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs transform farm-grown inspiration into profitable enterprises. Sample worksheets lend a practical perspective and illustrate how real farm families set goals, researched processing alternatives, determined potential markets, and evaluated financing options. Blank worksheets help the reader develop a detailed, lender-ready business plan or map out strategies to take advantage of new opportunities.
Farmers and Federal Income Tax
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Farms just like any other business is required to file federal income tax. For information about farming check out the Farmer's Tax Guide
National Timber Tax Website
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Tax Management for Timberland Owners - The National Timber Tax Website was developed to be used by timberland owners, as well as a reference for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work with timberland owners regarding the tax treatment of timber related activities.
New York State Tax Information
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance provides information about income tax, sales tax, real property taxes, payroll, and fuel and highway taxes. Many of the forms farmers need are fillable on-line. The site also includes a place where payments can be made on-line for certain taxes.
NY FarmLink
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Transferring management responsibility and farm assets to the next generation or a non-family member is an important, but sometimes confusing process. In addition, existing farmers face a limited amount of choices for retirement and new farmers face a tremendous uphill battle in order to obtain the necessary knowledge, skill, and finances. NY FarmLink provides educational resources, consulting, and opportunities that enable more farms to be transferred and joint ventures to be developed for the economic enhancement of New York State agriculture.
Rural Tax Education Website
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
The Rural Tax Education website provides farmers and ranchers, other agricultural producers and Extension educators with a source for agriculturally related income and self-employment tax information that is both current and easy to understand. Tax issues are important for agricultural operations because income and self-employment taxes are a major cost and also because more and more USDA programs are being linked to a producer's federal income tax return.
Transferring the Farm Series - University of Minnesota
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Fact sheets addressing specific farm business transfer issues from the University of Minnesota
FISA - A complete set of financial statements for agriculture
Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
This is an Excel 5.0 spreadsheet for calculating financial statements for agriculture. It includes a beginning of year (end of last year) balance sheet, end of year (end of this year) balance sheet, income statement, statement of owner equity, statement of cash flows and ratio analysis. The program is designed to allow single entry of data, it automatically does the transposition of data from one statement to the next and does nearly all the calculations. These statements are designed to be consistent with the recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Council (FFSC). Thus, the statements include deferred taxes, base values for raised breeding livestock, the "sweet sixteen" financial ratios and the other characteristics embedded in the FFSC guidelines. The statements are intended for use with any type of farm business. Space is allowed for nonfarm assets and income because they are often important to lenders and others using the statements. However, the farm business part of the statement is separate from the non-farm section so that nonfarm assets can be ignored if desired. Each of the four basic financial statements is presented on one page with detailed information on supporting schedules. Thus, the summary financial performance and position of a business can be found on five sheets of paper (including two balance sheets).
Grazing at Grassland Dairy
John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Grazing at Grassland Dairy discusses the decision making rational for a start-up dairy to choose the organic production model.
Breeds of Livestock
Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
When it comes to raising livestock there are countless breeds to have on your farm. If you are just curious about a rare breed or wanting more information about a well-known one, check out Oklahoma State University's webpage.
Designing Water Systems for Livestock
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Having enough clean fresh water available to livestock is a key part of a successful operation. To find out more about this topic read:
Livestock Fencing
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Whether you are starting a farm or have seen it all when it comes to fencing, the following Extension documents are great resources to check out:
Livestock Housing
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
While livestock animals originally lived out in the elements, having shelter is benefit and at times a necessity on modern livestock farms.
Micro-Dairy Equipment
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Want to milk only a handful of animals, but not sure where to find the equipment?
Resources for Beginning Farmers
Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops
Just getting into farming or thinking about it?