Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

Program Areas

  • Dairy Management
  • Farm Business Management
  • Field Crops
  • Livestock & Small Farms

Enrollment Benefits

  • Telephone / Email Consultations
  • Ag Focus Newsletter
  • Direct Mailings
  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • In-Field Educational Opportunities
  • On-Farm Research Trials

Enrollee Login


Log In To Access:

  • Issues of Ag Focus Newsletters
  • Helpful Diagnostic Tool:
      What's wrong with my crop?

Not an Enrollee? Enroll Now!

Online Enrollment Form


DairyDairy is the leading agricultural industry in New York State, and the state ranks third in the country for milk production. Our ten counties in western New York form an especially vibrant dairy region, with 943 dairy farms of many different sizes and production systems. Wyoming county is the top milk producing county in the state, producing 1.1 billion pounds annually.

Relevant Events

Cornell Cow Convos Podcast- Episode 22 Release

April 24, 2025

Beef and Dairy Bovine Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Training Course

April 25 - April 26, 2025
Avon, NY

Dairy Cattle Lameness Videos- in Spanish!

Kaitlyn Lutz, VMD, Bilingual Dairy Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 2, 2022
Dairy Cattle Lameness Videos- in Spanish!

This past March, CCE regional teams and Pro-Dairy teamed up to host a webinar on Understanding and Mitigating Lameness. We had a great attendance and had a few participants ask if we would be offering the webinar in Spanish. We have made 4 animated videos, in Spanish, highlighting the key concepts that were presented during the webinar.

Dairy Training Resources

Kaitlyn Lutz, VMD, Bilingual Dairy Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 1, 2022

This document will guide you to many of the resources available for training dairy farm employees.  Topics include:

  • Safety
  • Animal Handling
  • Calf Care
  • Milk Quality
  • Calving Assistance
  • Reproduction
  • Herd Health
  • Lameness/Hoof Trimming
  • Forages/Feeding
  • Creating Human Resource Management Documents
  • Employee Housing
  • Learning Spanish/English

2021 Working Paper by John Hanchar and Aaron Ristow

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 23, 2021

Working Paper

Achieving Improved Soil Health Outcomes While Maintaining or Improving Economic Viability: Case Study of a Dairy Farm Business in the Genesee River Watershed, New York

John Hanchar, Cornell University/College of Agric. & Life Sciences/CCE/Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program
Aaron Ristow, American Farmland Trust


  • The owners and primary operators of the Mulligan Farm, a dairy farm business in the Genesee River Watershed of New York, like many farm business owners today, seek to achieve improved soil health and related outcomes while maintaining or improving economic performance.
  • The Mulligan Farm has successfully planned and implemented numerous cropping system changes designed to achieve improved soil health and related results.
  • Economic analysis suggests that successful implementation of soil health improving practices coincided with improved economic performance.

Microgrant for Dairy Farmers in New York

Last Modified: February 11, 2021
Microgrant for Dairy Farmers in New York

The new Dairy Forward program is a partnership between American Farmland Trust (AFT) and Chobani. This program aims to help select dairy farm families in New York access information and professional services to help plan for farm transitions in the face of tremendous challenges such as a weak dairy economy, disruptions from severe weather, and an aging farmer population. AFT will make grants of $500 to $5,000 for professional services that further goals associated with farm transfer and succession planning, farm business planning, permanently protecting land, or adopting regenerative farming practices. This is a great opportunity for dairy farm families who are thinking about transitioning their farm to a new generation, hoping to protect their farm, looking to improve farm profitability, or are interested in adopting regenerative practices. Applications are currently available until funds are used up. Funds will be paid directly to business providers.

Dairy Culture Coach Winter 2020

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 18, 2020
Dairy Culture Coach Winter 2020

Check out the latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach: 

  • Communicating with Your Multicultural Team
  • What's Happening in Mexico and Guatemala
  • Recognizing Your Team
  • Covid-19 

It's always the Nutritionist's fault!

Last Modified: November 18, 2020

by: Casey Havekes, Betsy Hicks, Margaret Quaassdorff

Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Dairy Specialists

The role your nutritionist plays in the success of your dairy goes beyond the diet they put together. Ensuring good communication, having a basic understanding of your diet, and knowing what additives are incorporated and why they are added, can improve performance on your dairy. It is equally important to recognize that herd management also plays a critical role in success as nutrition alone will only take your herd so far.  Because of this, CCE Dairy Specialists hosted a webinar titled, "It's Always the Nutritionist's Fault! Understanding diets and improving communication on your dairy".  In case you missed the live webinar, below is a recap of the main points. 

Dairy Culture Coach Fall 2020

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 24, 2020
Dairy Culture Coach Fall 2020

Check out the latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach! 

  • COVID-19 Update
  • Flu Season is Here
  • Influenza (gripe) / Influenza (flu)
  • Somatic Cell Count / Conteo de Células Somáticas
  • Keep SCC Low / Mantener bajo el CCS

Farm Financial Management Practices for Unfavorable Economic Conditions

Last Modified: July 10, 2020

Sound financial planning and control improve owner's abilities to manage their businesses during unfavorable economic conditions.  Consider the current environment affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the lack of rain in many areas.  Budgeting is a valuable farm financial management practice for these situations.  Visit (Brandie, please insert link here) to learn more about budgeting and its value in managing your farm business.

Handling Heat Stress in Dairy Cows

Last Modified: July 10, 2020

Heat stress occurs when cows' bodies accumulate a heat load that they are unable to dissipate.  It can be measured with the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI).  The heat stress threshold for dairy cows is 68, with increasing numbers indicating the potential for negative impacts on cow performance.  

Dairy Alert 5.7.20

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: May 7, 2020
Dairy Alert 5.7.20

Check out the following topics: 

  • IPM Practices for Flies on Your Cattle
  • COVID-19 Supplies
  • Bunker Safety
  • Virtual Farm Visits/Consultations

Are You Milking Some Cows You Shouldn't Be?

Last Modified: April 17, 2020

This article shares resources from Pro-DAIRY to help you develop management strategies for your dairy moving forward.  It shares some lessons from the historical Milk Diversion Program that might help inform decision making in this price downturn.  Your business must be nimble and ready to change production practices to bring costs in line with the prices you are receiving and paying.  Eventually, markets will reopen and sales will return.  In the meantime, easing back on the throttle in how we manage cows and how many cows we keep could be good strategies for the current situation.

" Do's and Don'ts for Dairy farmers When Facing Financial Difficulty"

Last Modified: April 10, 2020

During times of financial difficulty it is important to be mindful and methodical in financial decision making. " Do's and Don'ts for Dairy farmers When Facing Financial Difficulty" provides guidance on making objective decisions during a financial downturn.

Dairy Culture Coach Spring 2020

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 8, 2020
Dairy Culture Coach Spring 2020

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics:

  • Reliable Resources for Spanish- & English-Speaking Farmworkers about COVID-19
  • Spanish Webinar: Mastitis Treatment Decisions
  • Growing Great People Webinars
  • Bring Your Own Bag

Some Thoughts on the Current State of Dairy Markets - April 1, 2020

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 3, 2020

Excerpts from information provided by Andrew Novakovic, PHD, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University and, Dr. Mark Stephenson, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Dairy Culture Coach December 2019

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 20, 2019
Dairy Culture Coach December 2019

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics: 

  • An Overview of The Farm Laborer Fair Labor Practices Act (FLFLPA)
  • Tools to help you make management decisions related to the FLFLPA
  • Vocabulary related to the FLFLPA
  • Additional resources on the FLFLPA

Please feel free to contact Libby with questions, to subscribe to the newsletter, or to make suggestions for future content. or 607-793-4847.

Reducing the Risk of Compaction When Grazing Cover Crops

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: October 31, 2019
Reducing the Risk of Compaction When Grazing Cover Crops

The benefits of cover crops have been known for many

years; one is remediating compaction. 

Dairy Culture Coach September 2019

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 30, 2019
Dairy Culture Coach September 2019

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics: 

  • Improving Human Resource Management
  • Silage Harvest Vocabulary
  • The Importance of Corn
  • La Importancia del Maíz
  • Consulate Updates

Please feel free to contact Libby with questions, to subscribe to the newsletter, or to make suggestions for future content. or 607-793-4847.

Dairy Alert 9.24.19

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 24, 2019

Welcome to the new Dairy Alert!

While many of you receive our monthly newsletter, Ag Focus, we wanted a way to stay in touch during those in-between weeks when there is important news to share.  In this issue:

Corn Silage Pre-Harvest Meetings

Pricing Corn Silage

Sexual Harassment Prevention: Comply by 10/9

Pricing Corn Silage -- Fall 2019

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 13, 2019

  • Analysis suggests corn silage price depends on corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price, the price received by farmers for milk, and corn grain price.
  • Analysis for NY suggests that estimated corn silage price is most sensitive to corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price and corn grain price.
  • Price estimates combined with understanding of relevant supply and demand factors from an individual farm business owner's perspective can aid decision making regarding corn silage price.  Given recently available alfalfa hay and corn grain prices (May through July, 2019, and August 27, 2019, respectively), price analysis for NY suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $45 per ton.  The Fall 2018 estimate was about $41 per ton.

Human Resource Management Self-Assessment

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 26, 2019

This self-assessment is designed to help you evaluate the human resource management practices on your farm and help you prioritize areas for improvement.

Dairy Culture Coach June 2019

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 8, 2019
Dairy Culture Coach June 2019

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics:

  • Human Resource Management on Dairy Farms
  • Summer Housing Reminders
  • Recordatorios Sobre las Casas en el Verano
  • Animal Handling Webinars
  • Seminarios Web Sobre el Manejo de Animales

Please feel free to contact Libby with questions, to subscribe to the newsletter, or to make suggestions for future content. or 607-793-4847.

Resources for Making a Decision on the Dairy Margin Coverage Program

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 2, 2019

Decision making for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program benefits from the availability of two recent webinars.

Webinar for Dairy Producers will Cover New Dairy Margin Coverage Program

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2019

The USDA/Farm Service Agency in New York is partnering with the NYS Crop Insurance Education Program to present a webinar for dairy producers.

Managing Financial Risk with the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program

Last Modified: June 3, 2019

Owners of dairy farm businesses face many risks and uncertainties associated with producing and marketing milk.  As a result, farm business owners seek strategies for managing financial risks.

Dairy Culture Coach March 2019

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 2, 2019
Dairy Culture Coach March 2019

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics:

  • Learning English for Spanish Speakers
  • Aprendiendo Inglés para Hispanohablantes
  • Milking Vocabulary
  • Milk Flow Graphs
  • Gráficas de Flujo de Leche
  • What's a Dicho?

Dairy Culture Coach December 2018

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 21, 2018
Dairy Culture Coach December 2018

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach includes the following topics: 

  • Learning Spanish for Dairy Farmers
  • Cornell Pro-Dairy Learning Opportunities in 2019
  • Becker Forum
  • Labor Road Show II
  • Minimum Wage Annual Adjustment 

Dairy Market Watch - 2018

Last Modified: November 1, 2018
Dairy Market Watch -  2018

An educational newsletter to keep producers informed of changing market factors affecting the dairy industry.

Dairy Culture Coach September 2018

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 21, 2018
Dairy Culture Coach September 2018

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available.  Read on to learn more about: 

  • Dairy Training Resources Guide
  • Fresh Cow Evaluation
  • Evaluación de las Vacas Frescas
  • Employee Wage Survey
  • Webinar on Worker Housing Concerns
  • Ag Workforce Journal

Financial Balancing Act Means Managing Risk is Essential

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 19, 2018

The present long-term downturn in commodity prices brings with it increased financial pressure on farm operations.  Alternatives for managing risk are continually evolving.  For many in agriculture, and particularly dairy, self-insurance has been the go-to method of risk management.  Two new tools, the USDA Market Facilitation Program (MFP) and Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance (DRP) are coming on line and a third, Rainfall Index - Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (RI-PRF) merits serious consideration.

Pricing Corn Silage -- Fall 2018

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 10, 2018
Pricing Corn Silage -- Fall 2018


  • Analysis suggests corn silage price depends on corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price, the price received by farmers for milk, and corn grain price.
  • Analysis for NY suggests that estimated corn silage price is most sensitive to corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price and corn grain price.
  • Price estimates combined with understanding of relevant supply and demand factors from an individual farm business owner's perspective can aid decision making regarding corn silage price.  Given recently available alfalfa hay and corn grain prices (May through July, 2018, and August 14, 2018, respectively), price analysis for NY suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $41 per ton.  The Fall 2017 estimate was about $54 per ton.

New Guidance for Mortality Disposal Issued

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 1, 2018

NYS Department of Ag and Markets has posted guidelines on disposal of livestock carcasses, in response to reports that some rendering companies have halted pickups from farms.  

Dairy Culture Coach June 2018

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 7, 2018
Dairy Culture Coach June 2018

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available.  Read on to learn more about:

  • Understanding the Current Dairy Economy
  • Cómo Entender la Situación Económica Actual de Granjas Lecheras
  • Vocabulary: Feelings
  • Time to Check Your W-4's
  • Wednesday Webinars in Spanish
  • Seminarios Web en Español
  • The Most Costly Journey

Is Dairy Crossbreeding Right for You?

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: May 14, 2018
Is Dairy Crossbreeding Right for You?

Are you looking to generate a little more cash flow? Try breeding your low-end cows using beef semen. Dairy replacements are at a low value due to low milk prices and ample supply. According to Cornell/USDA Market News Reporters, well-muscled cross bred calves are bringing a $50-100 premium to Holstein calves. There needs to be a farm-specific strategy for this to be advantageous. To learn more, I recently met with Hannah Worden and Claire Mulligan to hear about ABS's InFocus program. This is one of several companies with an approach this opportunity.

Physical Examination of Cattle

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 2, 2018
Physical Examination of Cattle

A step-by-step guide to conducting physical examinations on dairy cows. It guides you through examining the cow from the front, rear, left and right sides, while pointing out signs of common ailments.

Physical Examination of Cattle (Spanish)

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 2, 2018
Physical Examination of Cattle (Spanish)

A step-by-step guide to conducting physical examinations on dairy cows. It guides you through examining the cow from the front, rear, left and right sides, while pointing out signs of common ailments.

Una guía para hacer el examen físico a las vacas lecheras. Le guía por los pasos de hacer el examen en la vaca desde en frente, atrás, y los dos lados mientras le explica los seños de enfermedades comunes.

The Dairy Culture Coach March 2018

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 2, 2018
The Dairy Culture Coach March 2018

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available and includes the following articles:
• Tools to Learn Spanish
• Cooling Vocabulary
• How to Identify the "Off" Animal
• Identifique el Animal Anormal
• Wednesday Webinars in Spanish
• Seminarios Web en Español

Calf & Heifer Congress 2017 - "Rising Above the Challenges"

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 6, 2018
Calf & Heifer Congress 2017 -

This years conference will feature two topics of particular interest in the world of dairy replacements - heifer reproduction and Salmonella dublin. In addition, heifer growth strategies, economics of the heifer enterprise, vaccines and immunity, the microbiome and calf disease management. 

Know a Better Pasture

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 20, 2018
Know a Better Pasture

Pasture is a great way to feed your livestock during the growing season. 

The Dairy Culture Coach December 2017

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 20, 2017
The Dairy Culture Coach December 2017

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available and includes the following articles:

- The Importance of Timing in a Milking Routine
- La Importancia del Ritmo de una Rutina de Ordeña
- Becker Forum
- I-9 Webinars
- Nacimientos

The Dairy Culture Coach September 2017

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 1, 2017
The Dairy Culture Coach September 2017

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available.  In this issue you will find the following articles:
- Reporting Work-Related Accidents, Illnesses & Diseases
- Heating Vocabulary
- Family Relations Vocabulary
- Heating Systems - Los Sistemas de Calificación
- New Form I-9

The Dairy Culture Coach June 2017

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 7, 2017
The Dairy Culture Coach June 2017

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available. In this issue you will find the following articles:

- Focus Group Report Executive Summary
- June Dairy Month- Dairy in Guatemala
- Washing Milk Containers
- Lavando los Contenedores de Leche
- Refrigeration
- Refrigeración

Workforce Issues and the New York Dairy Industry

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 5, 2017
Workforce Issues and the New York Dairy Industry

The report "Workforce Issues and the New York Dairy Industry" is now available at  

The Dairy Culture Coach March 2017

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 28, 2017
The Dairy Culture Coach March 2017

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available. In this issue you will find the following articles:

- What, Why, How?
-Respirator Fit Testing
-Wednesday Webinars in Spanish
-Seminarios Web en Español
-El Son Jarocho

Calf & Heifer Congress 2016 - "Laying the Foundation for Top Herd Performance"

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 27, 2017
Calf & Heifer Congress 2016 -

The 2016 conference explored genomics, the early life impact on milk production, calving assistance, preventing disease outbreaks, tools for battling respiratory disease, trace mineral and immunity, antibiotic strategies, feeding older heifers, inspiring workers, biofilms and what great calf operations look like.

Forage Congress - Presentations

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 14, 2017
Forage Congress - Presentations

New to the NWNY Team's lineup this winter was Forage Congress at the Genesee River Restaurant and Reception Center in Mount Morris, NY.

This event covered timely topics recommended by the region's producers. The morning's session began with an overview of the cropping plan from the ground up, economics of high fiber digestibility, and new alfalfa varieties with quality grasses. The afternoon covered double cropping with winter triticale and options for properly storing silages. 

Benefits and Costs of Entry Level Precision Agriculture Technologies

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 16, 2017
Benefits and Costs of Entry Level Precision Agriculture Technologies

Auto Section Control (ASC) is a precision agriculture technology designed to reduce double planting and other crop input usage in headlands. See the presentation by Erick Haas and John Hanchar at the 2017 Operations Managers Conference for benefits and costs, including results from partial budgeting and capital investment analysis.

Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies- Spanish & English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 9, 2017
Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies- Spanish & English

The Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies is now available in English and Spanish from the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program. El Guía del Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) Para los Ranchos Orgánicos ya es disponible en inglés y español del Programa de Manejo Integrado de Plagas del Estado de Nueva York. 


Survey of Hispanic Dairy Workers in New York State 2016

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 13, 2017
Survey of Hispanic Dairy Workers in New York State 2016

New York State Corn Silage Hybrid Trials - 2016

Last Modified: January 4, 2017
New York State Corn Silage Hybrid Trials - 2016

Joe Lawrence with PRO-DAIRY has revitalized the corn silage variety trials. Here is the report

Economic Benefits from Utilizing Cover Crops as Forage

Last Modified: December 21, 2016
Economic Benefits from Utilizing Cover Crops as Forage

Planting cover crops, then grazing or harvesting them, is a practical way to effectively reduce nutrient pollution,
plus provide economic benefits to cattle owners. Project conducted by the Practical Farmers of Iowa.

The Dairy Culture Coach December 2016

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 5, 2016
The Dairy Culture Coach December 2016

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available.  Included in this issue are the following articles: 
-Farm Worker Survey Summary
-New Farmworker Handbook
-Nuevo Manual Para Trabajadores Agrícolas
-GCC Spanish Classes
-Spanish Webinars
-Seminarios Web
-New Form I-9

Balancing Livestock and Forage to Thrive Past the Drought

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 12, 2016
Balancing Livestock and Forage to Thrive Past the Drought

If your farm is in one of the areas affected by severe drought, this growing season has been a bit scary to say the least. One of the keys to your livestock business thriving after more "normal" weather patterns have returned is to have your livestock numbers in balance with your feed supply. There are different avenues you can use to achieve short term balance between your herd nutrient requirements and feed inventory.

Pricing Corn Silage - Fall 2016

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 9, 2016
Pricing Corn Silage - Fall 2016

    • Analysis suggests corn silage price depends on corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price, the price received by farmers for milk, and corn grain price.
    • Analysis for NY suggests that estimated corn silage price is most sensitive to corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price and corn grain price.
    • Price estimates combined with understanding of relevant supply and demand factors from an individual farm business owner's perspective can aid decision making regarding corn silage price. Given most recently available alfalfa hay and corn grain prices (June 2016, and October, November 2016, respectively), price analysis for NY suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $60 per ton. The Fall 2015 estimate was about $50 per ton. 

Fall Forages

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 8, 2016
Fall Forages

Fall is coming, whether or not you have all your hay crops needed for the winter.

Optimizing Your Harvest by Reducing Feed Shrink

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 8, 2016
Optimizing Your Harvest by Reducing Feed Shrink

Many dairy producers across our ten-county region may be short on forages this fall as a result of the drought. In a regular year, silage loss can run 5-10% during harvest, and another 10-50% at the bunk. Consider the following ways to tighten up your management of harvest, storage, and feed-out in order to minimize feed shrink this year.

The Dairy Culture Coach September 2016

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 2, 2016
The Dairy Culture Coach September 2016

The latest issue of the Dairy Culture Coach is now available. Included in this issue are the following articles: 

- Getting More Involved in Agriculture
- House Cleaning Vocabulary
- Help Calves Beat the Cold / Ayudar a las Becerras a Combatir el Frío
- Farm Worker Housing Quiz
- Encouraging Proper Housing Maintenance
- A Different Dialogue!

Multispecies pastures show productivity, drought tolerant promise

Last Modified: July 28, 2016
Multispecies pastures show productivity, drought tolerant promise

R. Howard Skinner a physiological plant ecologist and member of the USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. He's been looking into how to increase the amount of forage (grasses and plants that animals eat) pastures can grow.
Click here for the rest of the story.

Fall Feeding Decision Tools

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 22, 2016
Fall Feeding Decision Tools

Many farms in the Lake Plains and Finger Lakes Regions in New York have diminished forage supply for the feeding season we are about to enter. Drought conditions have challenged our production systems in 2016. Here are some tools to help with decision making.

Summer Annual Forage Options

Last Modified: July 13, 2016

This factsheet was developed for Northern New York, but still is relevant in our area. 

The Dairy Culture Coach June 2016

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2016
The Dairy Culture Coach June 2016

The latest issue of The Dairy Culture Coach is now available. Included in this month's issue, you will find the following articles: 
  • Helping Employees Combat the Heat 
  • Lameness in Dairy Cows/ La Cojera en las Vacas Lecheras
  • Lameness Scoring/ Calificación de la Cojera 
  • Cinco de Mayo - What's the Real Significance?
  • The Flight Zone/ La Zona de Vuelo
  • Introducing Brooke Ryan 
If you're interested in receiving the latest issues of The Dairy Culture Coach straight to your inbox, send an email to  

Custom Machinery Rates

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 1, 2016

Trying to figure out how much to pay or charge for custom machinery operations? Check out the 2016 custom rate summaries from Pennsylvania.

Grazing Management: Toxic Plants

Last Modified: May 12, 2016
Grazing Management: Toxic Plants

Annual forage crops grown in place of fallow can provide high-quality forage during key production periods and may help reduce soil erosion, suppress weeds, and increase soil nutrient profiles. Kansas State has put together this list. 

Holstein Market Cow Feeding Project

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: May 12, 2016
Holstein Market Cow Feeding Project

This report highlights a feeding study Cornell beef specialist Mike Baker and others conducted at Cornell's beef unit. 

Managing During Low Milk Prices, Dairy Farm Business Summary, NY, 2016

Last Modified: May 4, 2016
Managing During Low Milk Prices, Dairy Farm Business Summary, NY, 2016

Written by:
Richard Kimmich, Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management, Cornell University.

Learn about recommended strategies, practices that when implemented will help you manage your dairy farm business when a period of low milk prices are expected.

Get Off to a Good Grazing Season Start!

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 12, 2016
Get Off to a Good Grazing Season Start!

The grazing season will soon be here. Start planning now for the grazing season, if you haven't already.

The Dairy Culture Coach March 2016

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 28, 2016

The latest issue of The Dairy Culture Coach is now available. Included in this month's issue, you will find the following articles: 
  • Employees Want to Learn!
  • Hoof Health Solutions Course
  • Calculating Dry Matter
  • Calcular la Materia Seca
  • Why So Many Last Names?

Crisis Planning for Your Dairy, Part 4

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 23, 2016
Crisis Planning for Your Dairy, Part 4

Is your livestock enterprise prepared if the next attack on agriculture targets your farm as an example of alleged mistreatment of animals, environmental pollution or community group opposition, farm worker issues or an accidental injury or death? Any farm is vulnerable to being in the media spotlight at a moment's notice. Understanding and preparing for a crisis helps you to protect yourself, industry image and consumer confidence. A written on-farm crisis response plan can help your business to weather a storm of attention from the media or social media.

How to Respond to the Media in a Crisis, Part 3

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 23, 2016
How to Respond to the Media in a Crisis, Part 3

Imagine this: an animal rights activist group has released a video alleging animal abuse at your dairy farm (or a manure spill, farmworker abuse… insert crisis here). You have a few minutes to collect your thoughts before the phones start ringing off the hook with questions from media and requests for interviews. What do you do?

Is Your Farm Prepared For a Crisis? Part 1

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 23, 2016
Is Your Farm Prepared For a Crisis? Part 1

Are you ready for an undercover video to be released depicting animal abuse on your dairy farm? Who could be ready for that?

Preventing an Undercover Video Crisis at Your Farm, Part 2

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 23, 2016
Preventing an Undercover Video Crisis at Your Farm, Part 2

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin

Livestock farmers value their animals and work tirelessly to be certain they are well cared for. That being said, anyone in animal business today thinks about the remote possibility of their business being targeted and the horrific effect an undercover video being released about their animal handling practices might have. To take Franklin's advice, one must exercise caution in order to minimize the risk to their business of being the target of malicious exposure.

Entry Point Precision Ag Technology: Benefits & Costs for Decision Making

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 15, 2016
Entry Point Precision Ag Technology: Benefits & Costs for Decision Making

Two benefits attributed to auto steer mentioned frequently by producers and their advisors are reduced stress and reduced fatigue. Combine these benefits with expected favorable economic and financial impacts, and auto steer has the potential to be a beneficial change in practice for farmers, one that farmers will likely want to evaluate for their business.

March is Frost Seeding Time!

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 16, 2016
March is Frost Seeding Time!

March is usually a great time to add some legumes into your pastures or hayfields. It is a way to improve pastures without losing a production year. 

Calf & Heifer Congress 2015 - "Manage What Matters" Presentations

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 12, 2016
Calf & Heifer Congress 2015 -

This year's conference topics covered the entire heifer growing period. With speakers and panelists addressing facilities, environment and health followed by the program dedicated to antibiotic stewardship, changing regulations and public concerns. Ending the conference on topics covering health, growth and economics.

Introduction to MeatSuite

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 2, 2016

The meat marketing website,, has expanded across the state. is a free online directory of livestock farms selling meat in bulk quantities. MeatSuite is a project of Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins and Steuben Counties to promote direct, local, meat sales and is currently funded by the New York Farm Viability Institute.

The Dairy Culture Coach December 2015

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 10, 2015

The latest issue of The Dairy Culture Coach is now available. Included in this month's issue, you will find the following articles: 
  • Communicate Goals to Motivate Employees
  • Winter Vocabulary
  • Why Push Up Feed?
  • ¿Para Qué Empujar la Comida?
  • Poinsettias, la Flor de Noche Buena

Can value be added to Holstein bull calves?

Last Modified: December 9, 2015
Can value be added to Holstein bull calves?

With favorable market conditions, it can be profitable raising dairy beef. 

Feeder Calf Pool Sale Set, December 16

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 9, 2015
Feeder Calf Pool Sale Set, December 16

Two groups of producers, one in central NY and another in northern NY have come together to market their cattle cooperatively in hopes of building a reputation which over time will increase price of their feeder cattle.

Manure Injection vs. Surface Application

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 23, 2015
Manure Injection vs. Surface Application

Owners of dairy farm businesses face numerous challenges as they manage manure to meet financial, environmental, and other farm business objectives; trade-offs and conflicting objectives describe the situation. What is the expected change in profit associated with the change to manure injection from surface applicatin followed by incorporation?

The Dairy Culture Coach September 2015

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 21, 2015

As you'll notice, El Sostento has a new name! The Dairy Culture Coach will continue to bring you the same great information and advice to help you better understand and manage your Hispanic workforce. This month's issue includes:

So You Want to Learn Spanish...
Bunker Silo Safety Reminders
Consejos de Prudencia con los Silos Horizontales
The What, Why and How of Recycling
El Qué, Por Qué y Cómo de Reciclar
School Systems in Central America
Language Vocabulary

Corn Silage Quality - Facts, Fiction, Fantasies and Opinions

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 28, 2015

The Crop Dude's take on corn silage quality.

Triticale - A Winter Forage Opportunity

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 28, 2015

The real advantage of the winter forage is for farms that have had weather related de-creases in their total forage supply. Winter forage (triticale) will give you the earliest high quality, potentially high yielding crop, next spring; forage for the high cows. This crop is a real advantage in areas where much of the corn is growing in standing water.

Conservation Reserve Program - Grasslands

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 7, 2015

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands is part of the CRP program, a federally funded voluntary program that contracts with agricultural producers so that environmentally sensitive agricultural land is not farmed or ranched, but instead used for conservation benefits.

El Sostento Newsletter June 2015

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 12, 2015

The June 2015 issue of El Sostento includes:
  • What Language are my Employees Speaking?
  • Span/Eng Family Vocabulary
  • Proper Use of Crowd Gates
  • El Uso Apropiado de las Puertas de Arreo
  • What is a Consulate? 
  • Summer Schedule for Mexican & Guatemalan Mobile Consulates
  • Where did Chips and Salsa Come From?

El Sostento Newsletter December 2014

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015

El Sostento December 2014: 

  • Immigration Reform- What Might the Recent Announcement Mean for Your Farm?
  • Adjectives to Describe Cow Condition
  • Immigrant America
  • Winter Weather
  • El Tiempo de Invierno
  • Christmas Tamales

El Sostento Newsletter March 2015

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015

El Sostento March 2015: 
  • Avoid Housing Issues
  • What's in a Ration? (Span/Eng vocabulary)
  • Worth a Listen
  • Calving Assistance (Spanish/English)
  • La Virgen de Guadalupe- Who is She?
  • Pest Management DVD
  • Bed Bug Fact Sheet
  • Datos Sobre las Chinhces

LOHO Farms, a DAP Success Story

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015
LOHO Farms, a DAP Success Story

Article From Ag Focus Newsletter: November 2014

On a Farm Not So Near You: Tillamook, OR

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: March, 2015

Produce Quality Milk to Boost Your Bottom Line

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015
Produce Quality Milk to Boost Your Bottom Line

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: February 2015

Updated Technology Provides an Advantage: LED Lighting and LDPP

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015
Updated Technology Provides an Advantage: LED Lighting and LDPP

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: January 2015

Winter Weather- Are You Prepared?

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 19, 2015
Winter Weather- Are You Prepared?

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter December 2014

Apply Now for New Farmer Profit Teams

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 16, 2015
Apply Now for New Farmer Profit Teams

Do you need some decision support to improve profitability of the farm business after 3-9 years of running it? Farmers at this stage are often faced with critical decisions that determine the long-term viability of their operation.

Winterizing Your Grazing Facilities

Last Modified: December 3, 2014
Winterizing Your Grazing Facilities

Yes, grazing season is over. Here are tips from Rob DeClue, SWCD Chenango County on preparing your grazing system for winter.

Barn Roof Snow Removal Do's and Don'ts

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: November 21, 2014

Snow piling up on your barn? Be sure to review how to safely remove it  before you climb up with your shovels.

Gov. Cuomo Announces New Farmer Grant

Last Modified: November 5, 2014

The New York State New Farmers Grant Fund was created to provide assistance to new and early stage farmers and encourage farming as a career path to sustain and grow agribusiness across New York State.

Margin Protection Program

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: October 17, 2014

The USDA Margin Protection Program -  Dairy (MPP-Dairy) is a new and unique safety net program that will provide dairy producers with indemnity payments when actual dairy margins are below the margin coverage levels the producer chooses on an annual basis. Its focus is to protect farm equity by guarding against destructively low margins, not to guarantee a profit to individual producers.

Cover Crops for Livestock Grazing

Last Modified: October 6, 2014
Cover Crops for Livestock Grazing

Penn State Extension Educator, Dave Hartman, writes soil conservation, nutrient sequestration, weed suppression, improved soil health, increased success with no-till, among others, are reasons why cover crop usage is increasing. 

Pate Visit a Success!

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 30, 2014
Pate Visit a Success!

The National Beef Quality Assurance program offered to assist with expenses to bring stockmanship expert Curt Pate to NY.

Animal Care in Summer Weather

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 15, 2014
Animal Care in Summer Weather

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: July 2014

Looking at Milk From a Different Angle

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 15, 2014
Looking at Milk From a Different Angle

The Ontario County Young Dairy Managers Discussion Group took a tour of the Wegmans store in Pittsford and spoke with the Dairy Category Merchant, who is charged with filling the dairy case at all Wegmans stores.

What's in an Udder?

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 15, 2014
What's in an Udder?

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: August 2014

GrassSnap, New App for Monitoring Grasslands

Last Modified: August 14, 2014
GrassSnap, New App for Monitoring Grasslands

GrassSnap makes checking grass as easy as checking salt or water!

USDA Helps New and Beginning Farmers

Last Modified: August 14, 2014

USDA continues its commitment to the future of agriculture by unveiling, a one-stop shop for new and beginning farmers entering agriculture. It?s a practical, workable tool that will help farmers and ranchers of tomorrow tap into the range of USDA resources today. Featuring direct links to USDA programs and services, as well as case studies about how USDA support is being put to work to for America?s agriculture future, is a welcome new resource.

Dairy Profit Team Springboards Davis Valley Farm into Future

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 25, 2014
Dairy Profit Team Springboards Davis Valley Farm into Future

Davis Valley Farm in Bliss, New York started a Dairy Profit Team in February. Since then the Team has embarked upon a journey, helping James Junior and James the Third to seize a number of opportunities to advance their farm business. 

What Can High Beef Prices Do for Your Dairy?

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 25, 2014
What Can High Beef Prices Do for Your Dairy?

Dairy farmers are pretty happy right now with what they're getting for cull cows and bull calves. But can these strong beef prices help your dairy in other ways?

Communicate With Your People, Not Just Your Cows

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: June 2013

Communicating for Safety

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article From Ag Focus Newsletter: July 2013

El Sostento June 2014

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

El Sostento June 2014:
  • Employee Evaluations: Worth Your Time
  • Crop Vocabulary
  • Summer 2014 Mobile Consulates
  • Heat Stress
  • Estr?s Cal?rico
  • Mother's Day and Father's Day

El Sostento March 2014

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

El Sostento March 2014
  • Together, Growing Lasting Solutions for Hunger
  • Four (Informal) Greetings
  • Highlights from the 2014 Becker Forum
  • Farm Safety for Employees
  • Seguridad en la Finca para los Empleados
  • So What is Cinco de Mayo All About?

El Sostento Newsletter December 2013

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

El Sostento Newsletter December 2013:
  • Power Distance & Employee Relations
  • Spanish/English Christmas Vocabulary
  • The Becker Forum
  • Colostrum Basics
  • Los Fundamentos del Calostro
  • Fruit Punch Recipe

El Sostento Newsletter June 2013

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

First issue of El Sostento Newsletter: June 2013.
  • How do You Value Employee Benefits?
  • Beware the Online Translator
  • What is a Consulate?
  • Creating a Positive Workplace
  • Mexican Climate

El Sostento Newsletter September 2013

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

El Sostento Newsletter September 2013:
  • Prepare Employees for Winter Weather
  • Free Spanish Resources for the Milking Parlor
  • Spanglish Dairy Words
  • Mastitis Basics
  • Los Fundamentos de la Mastitis
  • Independence Day

Muranda Cheese Company: Looking to the Future with Value-Added Products

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014
Muranda Cheese Company: Looking to the Future with Value-Added Products

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: August 2013

NEW OSHA LEP Resources

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: February 2014

OSHA Inspections: The Dairy Dozen

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: November 2013

Read an Ag Blog

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: May 2014

Watch a Webinar

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: April 2014

What to Expect from OSHA Inspections

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 6, 2014

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: October 2013

Milk Price Protection Program - New Dairy Protection Included in 2014 Farm Bill

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: May 1, 2014

Milk Price Protection Program (MPP) slated to replace Federal Dairy Programs in 2014. Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill made sweeping changes to how dairy farmers will receive protection from swings in price of both milk and feed ingredients. Learn more about the new MPP.

Converting Hay Prices to Haylage Values

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 28, 2014
Converting Hay Prices to Haylage Values

When farmers are trying to give a dollar value to haylage they often use local hay prices on a dry matter basis and adjust for the dry matter (or moisture content) of the haylage. Download this PDF for more information and and example of how to calculate haylage values off of dry hay prices.

Tips on Dealing with Extreme Cold

Beth Dahl, WNY Dairy Modernization Specialist, Harvest NY
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 27, 2014

Winter provides additional challenges in managing cattle health and milk quality. These tips from CCE Dairy Specialist Dr. Kimberly Morrill can help you prepare for more cold weather.

Pasture Recordkeeping Tools

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 18, 2014
Pasture Recordkeeping Tools

Graziers may find these tools useful for recordkeeping.

Alternative Row Spacing for Corn Grain: Preliminary Findings for NY

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 4, 2014

Are narrow row widths attractive for corn grain, and under what conditions in NY? What are expected changes in profit associated with a change from 30 inch to narrow rows of corn grain?

Need a Slaughterhouse?

Last Modified: February 19, 2014
Need a Slaughterhouse?

Need a Slaughterhouse? New Map Simplifies Search.

Alfalfa Management Guide

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: February 7, 2014
Alfalfa Management Guide

Have a question about growing alfalfa? You will probably find the answer in "The Alfalfa Management Guide". This is a must have reference for anyone working with "the queen of forages".

Getting the Most Out of Your Manure Presentation

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 23, 2014
Getting the Most Out of Your Manure Presentation

There are many practical, cost-effective manure management practices can be adopted on farms of all sizes.

Cold Weather Tips

A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 7, 2014

Review these tips for dealing with livestock in extremely cold weather.

Dealing with Extreme Winter Weather

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 7, 2014
Dealing with Extreme Winter Weather

When the temperatures drop it's important to take extra precautions needed to keep animals, machinery, and yourself warm and safe.

Would a National Checkoff fit Organic?

A. Fay Benson, Small Dairy Extension Educator
South Central New York Dairy & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 6, 2014

The New York Organic Dairy Task Force heard from two sides on this topic at its December 6th 2013 meeting at the Dairylea Offices in Syracuse. As an outcome of that meeting the 23-member Task Force decided that more education on the topic should be directed towards those that would be affected by a checkoff.

Apps for Ag

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 20, 2013

List of some apps for smartphone users.

Annual Farm Business Summary and Analysis Season Is Right Around The Corner

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 2, 2013

  • Sound financial planning and control are keys to successfully managing agricultural risks.
  • The next few months present good opportunities to evaluate your business' financial management practices.
  • The NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program has the capacity to work with a variety producers as they seek to improve their business' financial management practices.

2014 NRCS EQIP Sign-up

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: November 4, 2013
2014 NRCS EQIP Sign-up

For more information about 2014 EQIP applications download these PDFs.

Gypsum Bedding in Long-Term Manure Storage May Create Dangerous Conditions

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: October 17, 2013

A serious and potentially hazardous situation can occur when farms using gypsum as bedding agitate their long term manure storages.

Pricing Corn Silage - Fall 2013

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 23, 2013
Pricing Corn Silage - Fall 2013

Empirical price analysis suggests that corn silage price is a function of corn silage quantities, alfalfa hay price, the price received by farmers for milk sold, and corn grain price. Given most recently available alfalfa hay and corn grain prices (August, and September/October 2013, respectively) and other factors (corn silage quantity and milk price) fixed at average levels for the period 1991 through 2010 price analysis suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $42 per ton.

Free Stall Dimensions

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 16, 2013
Free Stall Dimensions

Suggested guidelines for designing dairy cattle stalls and feed areas in a tie stall or free stall barn.

Shredlage Harvesting Recommendations

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: September 10, 2013
Shredlage Harvesting Recommendations

For detailed recommendations on adjustments to Shredlage Harvesters download this PDF.

Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 30, 2013

NYS IPM publication to assist dairies and livestock producers with organic pest control options.

PRO-DAIRY Presents the Agriservice Awards at the NYS Fair

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 29, 2013

Kerry Adams from Blackbrook Farms, Shortsville received the PRO-DAIRY Agriservice Award. News release.

Considerations for Working with Immature Corn Silage

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 20, 2013

In some parts of New York, the 2013 corn crop may not reach normal maturity. There may be small ears, poor grain fill or even no ears on the corn plant at the time of harvest. We have seen this same situation in previous years. The following points may be helpful as you work with immature corn that will be harvested for corn silage. Download the PDF for the full Dairy Nutrition Fact Sheet authored by Larry Chase.

Dairy Acceleration Program

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: August 20, 2013

The Dairy Acceleration Program is an initiative of Governor Cuomo in partnership with the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation designed to enhance profitability of New York dairy farms while maintaining a commitment to environmentally responsible growth.

Amino Acid Nutrition and Transition Cows

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Amino Acid Nutrition and Transition Cows presentation

Anatomy of the Mammary Gland

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Anatomy of the Mammary Gland

Cattle Foot Bath Products

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Cattle Foot Bath Products

Clostridial Enteritis in Dairy Calves

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Clostridial Enteritis in Dairy Calves presentation

Dehorn Calves with Paste in English and Spanish

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Dehorn Calves with Paste presentation in English & Spanish

Heifer Raiser Source Farm Management Checklist

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Heifer Raiser Source Farm Management Checklist

Heifer Reproduction A Challenge with a Payback

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Heifer Reproduction A Challenge with a Payback presentation

Milk Solids

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Milk Solids Calculator Waste Milk

Precision Feeding - Feeding Low Protein Diets

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Precision Feeding - Feeding Low Protein Diets presentation

Successful Milking

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Successful Milking: Understanding and Evaluating Procedures and Protocols to Achieve Positive Milking Experiences presentation

Synchronization Protocols

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Synchronization Protocols presentation

Timed AI Programs

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 9, 2013

Timed AI Programs presentation

Cornell University Cooperative Ext. Dairy Farm Business Summary (DFBS) Program

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 8, 2013

Research studies conclude that dairy farm businesses that apply farm business summary and analysis to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of their businesses achieve greater levels of profit compared to the group that does not apply summary and analysis. Producers use Cornell University Cooperative Extension's DFBS Program as a financial management tool for the above purposes. To learn more visit the DFBS website.

Cornell University, PRO-DAIRY Program's Decision Making Tools

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 8, 2013

PRO-DAIRY's Decision Making Tools page contains a number of valuable electronic spreadsheets and other tools to assist producers with decision making on a number of topics.

Performance of WNY Dairy Farm Businesses in 2012 - Progress of the Farm Business

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 8, 2013

The June 2013 issue of AgFocus contained preliminary Dairy Farm Business Summary (DFBS) results for Western New York (WNY) Region farms for 2012. We reported ranges of results for selected business factors. In this month's issue, we provide additional preliminary results, highlighting WNY cooperators' progress from 2011 to 2012.

Pricing Corn Silage: Another Look

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 8, 2013

Price estimates combined with understanding of relevant supply and demand factors from an individual farm business owner's perspective can aid decision making regarding corn silage price. Given current (January, February 2013) alfalfa hay and corn grain prices, price analysis suggests an estimated corn silage price of about $48 per ton.

Composition and Analysis of Feeds

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Composition and Analysis of Feeds from Babcock Institute.

Cow Digestion

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Cow Digestion from Babcock Institute.

Dairy Farm Business Summary: Intensive Grazing Farms New York 2011

Joan Sinclair Petzen, Farm Business Management
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Summary and analysis of performance of twenty-eight New York Farms that indicated they graze dairy cows at least three months, moving to a fresh paddock at least every three days and more than 30 percent of the forage consumed during the growing season was from grazing. These farms were neither organic nor first year grazers. Grazing farms are compared to 58 "Non-Graziers" with similar herd size to the 28 grazing farms.

Dairy Replacements

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Dairy Replacements from Babcock Institute.

Feeds for Dairy Cows

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Feeds for Dairy Cows from Babcock Institute.

Heat Detection and AI in English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Heat Detection and AI in English from the Babcock Institute.

Heat Detection and AI in Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Heat Detection and AI in Spanish from the Babcock Institute.


Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Mastitis from the Babcock Institute.

Mastitis Detection and Prevention

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Mastitis Detection and Prevention from the Babcock Institute.

Reproductive Function in English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Reproductive Function in English from the Babcock Institute.

Reproductive Function in Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: July 1, 2013

Reproductive Function in Spanish from the Babcock Institute.

Clipping Heifers?

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013

Springtime is generally considered a pretty nice time of the year for calving.

Cold Weather Calf Challenges - How are You Doing?

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013
Cold Weather Calf Challenges - How are You Doing?

Our calves don't have it quite so lucky. Think about some of the environment realities these little ones face.

Confined Spaces - A Danger Regardless of Farm Size

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013

This article was planned prior to the tragic asphyxiation fatality in our region related to a manure tanker. Our condolences certainly go out to the family. Hopefully heightened awareness of these hazards will help prevent such losses in the future.

Deworming before Turnout Makes Good $ense - "Raining on the Parasite Parade"

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013
Deworming before Turnout Makes Good $ense  -

Infestation with internal "worm-like" parasites (nematodes) can be a significant drain on growth rates for young stock and milk production particularly in first lactation heifers.

Fly Time is Back

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013

Although difficult to imagine why, flies do have a role in the master plan of nature.

Heat Stress - the Rest of the Story

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013

The weather has been on everyone's mind and in our conversations since spring -  from endless rains to now parching sun and heat.

Ration Tips for Using Distillers Grains

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 25, 2013

If you have a commercial herd of dairy cows or beef animals, chances are you have someone who can balance diets for you.

Micro-Dairy Equipment

Bill Verbeten, Field Crops
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 14, 2013

Want to milk only a handful of animals, but not sure where to find the equipment?

Standard Operating Procedures - Make Consistency a Priority

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 14, 2013

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: April 2013

Retained Placenta - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 13, 2013

Retained Placenta in Spanish

Right Side Exam - English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 13, 2013

Right Side Exam in English

Right Side Exam - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 13, 2013

Right Side Exam in Spanish

Birthing Timeline - English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Birthing Timeline in English

Birthing Timeline - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Birthing Timeline in Spanish

Calf Health Scoring Chart - English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Calf Health Scoring Chart - English

Calf Health Scoring Chart - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Calf Health Scoring Chart - Spanish

Calving Assistance - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Calving Assistance presentation in Spanish

Care of Newborn Calves - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Care of Newborn Calves presentation in Spanish

Colostrum Checklist - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Colostrum Checklist in Spanish

Colostrum Management - Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Colostrum Management presentation in Spanish

Head Exam in Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Head Exam in Spanish

Left Side Exam in English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Left Side Exam in English

Rear Exam in English

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Rear Exam in English

Rear Exam in Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 10, 2013

Rear Exam in Spanish

Heat Detection Presentation in Spanish

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 7, 2013

Heat Detection Presentation in Spanish

Precision Feeding - Best for Cows, CAFO and Your Wallet

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 4, 2013
Precision Feeding - Best for Cows, CAFO and Your Wallet

If cows did not have rumens, life would be much simpler for producers and their nutritionists.

Increased Milking Frequency during Early Lactation: Expected Changes in Profit

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 23, 2013

Increased milking frequency during early lactation is an effective management tool for increasing milk yield. On a less than 200 cow dairy, given the expected benefits and costs, tradeoffs -- including additional labor, purchased feed and crop expense, and other costs -- is increased milking frequency an effective management tool for increasing profit when compared to 2X milking

Calf Management: Pre and Neonatal

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 12, 2013

Colostrum "Don't be born without it"

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 12, 2013

Bedding, Bugs & Calves Maintaining Comfort and Health

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 11, 2013

The Calves of Summer

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 11, 2013

We worry about baby or wet calves a good deal in the winter when cold stress challenges our ability to feed them enough to thrive and stay healthy. Summer heat can put significant strain on calves as well. This is something that does not get the attention it deserves.

Early Season Nitrogen Fertilizer Application for Pastures

John Hanchar, Farm Business Management Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 1, 2013

Does it make sense to produce additional forage to be grazed in pastures early in the grazing season by means of an early season application of nitrogen fertilizer given milk production goals, and given that feed needs are to be met using the optimal mix of pasture sourced feed and purchased TMR?

A Practical Retrofit to Improve Cow Comfort

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 1, 2013
A Practical Retrofit to Improve Cow Comfort

In dairy cows overall performance is a combination of genetics, environment, and nutrition. In many ways the dairy industry has made great strides in genetics and nutrition; however the cow's environment continues to be a limiting factor. Ultimately, the goal of every facility should be to provide every cow with adequate access resources. Facilities with poor cow comfort limit access to resources such as feed, water, and rest, which in turn increases competition.

How Do I Find Alternative Water on My Farm?

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms & Livestock Specialist
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 1, 2013
How Do I Find Alternative Water on My Farm?

"Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink.
Water, water everywhere, Nor any drop to drink."

Implementing Biosecurity on Dairy Farms

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 1, 2013
Implementing Biosecurity on Dairy Farms

On dairy farms biosecurity can be a touchy subject. This is likely because the high demands of farm life can make biosecurity difficult to implement.

New Traceability & ID Regs Now in Effect

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 1, 2013
New Traceability & ID Regs Now in Effect

Animal Disease Traceability Rule went into effect on March 11, 2013.

The Bob Veal Calf Concern

Jerry Bertoldo, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: March 1, 2013
The Bob Veal Calf Concern

Bull calves in the dairy business are most often a topic that producers would rather not think about. The financial returns from selling them are usually low. There are unavoidable labor costs in their care. The sooner they leave the farm the better is the usual mantra.

Heat Detection

Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 2, 2013

Article from Ag Focus Newsletter: January 2013

Increasing Milk Production with Energy Efficient Lighting

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 2, 2013
Increasing Milk Production with Energy Efficient Lighting

As we approach the shortest days of the year the seasonal changes in daylight become more noticeable. This presents an opportunity for dairy producers as increasing light exposure in dairy cows has consistent produced an increase milk production of about 5 pounds per cow per day. This lighting regiment is known as long-day photoperiod or LDPP. Currently it is thought that LDPP suppresses the release of melatonin, which increases the release of prolactin and insulin-like growth factor - both of which are associated with improved mammary function. However, it can be challenging to properly implement LDPP on commercial dairy farms. For instance, lactating cows need to be exposed to 16 to 18 hours of light followed by 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted darkness. In addition, lights need to be strategically placed so that all areas of the barn achieve a minimum light level of 150 lux at cow eye level. This often requires assistance from a lighting engineer to determine if the fixtures selected can achieve the specified light levels based on size of the barn, number of fixtures, light output per fixture, and mounting height.  

Updating cows instead of facilities?

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: December 3, 2012
Updating cows instead of facilities?

Cow comfort is a hot topic in the dairy industry and has been shown to have a profound influence on herd health and performance. Cow comfort is defined as the environment on which a cow depends on to reach her full genetic potential and efficiently utilize the nutrients with which she is supplied. In the northeast we have great history and tradition in the dairy industry; however this also means outdated facilities that often result in stress factors surrounding the cow in her environment. Often these stress factors come in the form of improper neck rail placement, or stalls that are too narrow or too short, all of which can both increase the likelihood of disease and inhibit milk production potential over time.

Practical ways to decrease Somatic Cell Count

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: November 1, 2012
Practical ways to decrease Somatic Cell Count

The recent construction of two yogurt plants in western New York will likely result in increased demands for high quality milk in western New York. Many factors can affect milk quality, however maintaining a low SCC may be the most important. This is because many consumers associate mastitis with inadequate animal welfare and milk with a high SCC affects taste and may limit future export markets. Moreover, cows with a high SCC can reduce milk quality premiums and are likely to lose milk production over the course of lactation.

Increasing Milking Frequency and Implications on Mammary Cell Dynamics

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 1, 2012
Increasing Milking Frequency and Implications on Mammary Cell Dynamics

In the dairy industry efficient milk production is fundamental to profitability. As a result most dairy producers are looking for management strategies that improve milk production per cow. One management strategy capable of increasing milk production efficiency is increasing milking frequency. In dairy cows, the mammary gland is responsive to demands of the offspring and more frequent milking signals higher demand to the dam. Many dairy producers have capitalized on this biology by milking 3X over the entire lactation. However, this practice also increases labor and operating costs associated with milking, and for a growing herd can quickly max out parlor capacity.

An Innovative Approach to Cow Cooling

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: May 1, 2012

As we approach the warmer months of the year, providing adequate heat abatement should be a primary concern for many dairy producers. Holstein Friesians are best suited to colder climates and temperatures greater than 72 degrees F can result in heat stress leading to lower milk production, rumen acidosis, poor reproduction, lameness/laminitis, decreased immune function, mastitis, and transition cow disease. Most notably during the summer months, milk production may decrease by as much as 50 percent and reproductive proficiency of lactating dairy cows is greatly diminished.

Increasing Milking Frequency and Udder health

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: April 2, 2012
Increasing Milking Frequency and Udder health

In the dairy industry, producing high quality milk, efficiently, is a top priority and critical to profitability. Moreover, milk processors provide significant premiums for high quality milk with low SCC and preliminary incubation (P.I.) count, and healthy cows show greater peak milk yields and lactation persistency. Milk with a low SCC and P.I. counts are important to milk processors as milk with a high SCC has altered characteristics which can impact its taste and usefulness for cheese or yogurt production, and milk with a high P.I. count has a decreased shelf life. Increasing milking frequency, such as 3X/d milking throughout lactation or frequent milking during early lactation can improve milk production efficiency. However many producers are still concerned over the potential negative effects of such management strategies on udder health and milk quality.

Colostrum, more than just IgG

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: January 3, 2012

In bovines, the placental membranes prevent the transfer of maternal immunoglobulins (IgG) to the calf. Immunoglobulins are critical to immunity and as a result the calf relies on colostrum to obtain immunoglobulins and subsequent protection from disease. This acquisition of immunoglobulins through colostrum is known as passive transfer or passive immunity. Conventionally, feeding high quality colostrum to calves as soon as possible after birth has been stressed to ensure a successful passive transfer; however colostrum also provides the calf with high quality nutrition, beneficial growth factors and hormones, fluid, and warmth.

Maximizing Performance through Cow Comfort

Jackson Wright, Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Last Modified: June 1, 2011
Maximizing Performance through Cow Comfort

Although a relatively new concept in the dairy industry, cow comfort has consistently shown its positive influence on herd health and performance. In dairy cows, overall performance is a combination of genetics, environment, and nutrition. Cow comfort is defined as the environment on which a cow depends to reach her full genetic potential, and efficiently utilize the nutrients with which she is supplied. The environment frequently provided for dairy cows has been created for the convenience of man resulting in stress factors present in the cow's environment. Prolonged exposure to such stress factors predisposes a herd to disease and limits milk production. As genetic potential per cow increases, it becomes increasingly important to minimize stress factors in the environment to allow the cow to reach her maximum potential.

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Upcoming Events

Science-Based Strategies for Equine Pasture Management in the Northeast Series

March 5, 2025 : Session One: Introduction & The Role of Pastures in Equine Health & Nutrition

March 19, 2025 : Session Two: Soil Health & Fertility Management & Forage Selection & Establishment

April 2, 2025 : Session Three: Grazing Management Strategies & Weed & Pest Management

April 16, 2025 : Session Four: Manure & Nutrient Cycling & Seasonal & Long-Term Pasture Maintenance

April 30, 2025 : Session Five: Real-World Applications & Expert Insights & Conclusion & Actionable Steps

Cornell Cow Convos Podcast- Episode 22 Release

April 24, 2025

Beef and Dairy Bovine Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Training Course

April 25 - April 26, 2025
Avon, NY


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