Event Details
December 2, 2019
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Mulligan Farms
5403 Barber Road
Avon, NY 14414
$30.00 Not enrolled w/ NWNY Team
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
$20.00 Enrolled w/ NWNY Team (currently receive Ag Focus)
(additional attendee $20.00 ea.)
At the Door
$25.00 Enrolled w/ NWNY Team (currently receive Ag Focus)
$35.00 Not enrolled w/ NWNY Team
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsEVENT HAS PASSED
Cow Comfort Program- Freestall
December 2, 2019
The Cow Comfort Workshops are an educational program for farmers, employees and agriservice professionals who work directly with dairy cows. The workshops will cover economics of improving cow comfort, stall design and management, stocking density, heat abatement and effects on production.
Each session will include an on-farm portion where attendees walk through a facility assessment.
Each Cow Comfort Workshop is a day-long program held from 9:30 am to 3 pm. The program will be held on farm with a combination of presentations, demonstrations, farm walk-throughs and discussion.
Freestall Cow Comfort Workshop
Featured Speaker
Rick Grant, PhD, President of Miner Institute
Dr. Grant is well-known for his research surrounding stocking density and time budgets for dairy cattle.
- Why do We Care about Cow Comfort?
- Economics of Cow Comfort
- Stocking Density
- Ventilation and Heat Abatement
- Cow Comfort Assessment Tool
- Tour Host Farm & do Cow Comfort Assessment
Cow Comfort Freestall Flyer (PDF; 1365KB)