Event Details
August 21, 2019
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Wild Geese Farm
8499 Agett Rd
Fanklinville, NY 14737
At the Door
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team and CCE Allegany Co.
Lynn Bliven
585-268-7644 x18
email Lynn Bliven
Pasture Walk - Wild Geese Farm - Franklinville, NY
August 21, 2019
CCE Allegany County, together with the SWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team are hosting an evening Livestock Pasture Walk on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Wild Geese Farm 8499 Agett Rd. Franklinville, NY 14737.
Topics include Tools for Managing Rotational Grazed Pasture with Lynn Bliven, CCE Allegany County; Weed ID and Management by Joshua Putman, SWNY Field Crops Specialist and Calculating Cost of Production presented by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, SWNY Business Management Specialist.
Evening event begins at 5:30 PM and will wrap-up at 8:30 PM. A nominal fee of $5 per person will be collected at the farm to help offset costs. So we can best prepare for the meal and materials, please RSVP by August 19th by calling Lynn Bliven (585) 268-7644 ext. 18 or emailing lao3@cornell.edu
This event will be held rain or shine, dress accordingly and bring your lawn chair. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and questions throughout the pasture walk. To maintain biosecurity, please wear footwear that can be easily disinfected at the farm or wear the plastic boots that fit over your boots/shoes that will be provided.