Event Details
August 2, 2019
F 6:30pm -8:30pm - $10 per person, $15 per farm/family
Youngman Farms
12398 VanVleck Road
Wolcott, NY 14590
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsBrandie Waite
585-343-3040 x138
email Brandie Waite
Pasture Walk - Youngman Farms - Wolcott, NY - RSVP by July 31st
August 2, 2019
Shawn Youngman has worked with his father Allen to expand their beef operation by adding beef cows and pasture. He is looking to subdivide to allow more efficient use of the pastures.
Topics to be discussed:
- Fencing
- Fertility
- Pasture Seeding
- Pasture Rotation
Youngman Farms Pasture walk flyer 8-2-19 (PDF; 1027KB)