Event Details
July 23, 2019
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Quinten Good's Farm - Parking at J. Martin Auctions
1036 State Route 318
Waterloo, NY 13165
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsMike Stanyard
email Mike Stanyard
Weed Resistance Management Demonstration and Plot Tour
July 23, 2019
1:00 - 1:15 Update on Current Status of Waterhemp and Marestail in NY, Mike Stanyard, CCE/NWNY Team
1:15 - 1:30 Waterhemp Resistance: Results of Spray Chamber Mode of Action Study , Bryan Brown, NYS IPM Program
1:30 - 2:15 Walking Tour and Review of Soybean Herbicide Treatments Jose Venancio Fernandez, Bayer Crop Science
2:15 - 3:00 Walking Tour and Review of Corn Herbicide Treatments Mike Hunter, CCE/NNY Team
This project was made possible through a grant funded by the NY Farm Viability Institute.
Questions? Please contact Mike Stanyard at 585-764-8452 or email at mjs88@cornell.edu.
flyer (PDF; 2513KB)