Event Details
July 31 - August 1, 2019
9:30am - 3:30pm
Town of Seneca Pavilion
3675 Flint Rd
Stanley, NY 14561
$175.00 Enrolled w/ NWNY Team (currently receive Ag Focus)
(additional attendee $175.00 ea.)
$225.00 Not enrolled w/ NWNY Team
(additional attendee $225.00 ea.)
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsEVENT HAS PASSED
Hoof Trimming Workshop
July 31 - August 1, 2019
This two-day hoof trimming workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 1.
Participants will learn the basic hoof trimming methods, along with hoof anatomy, nutrition & hoof horn health, lameness scoring, and knife sharpening and safety. The hands-on portion of the class will include trimming practice utilizing cadaver hooves.
Participants should bring rubber boots that are in good condition & can be sanitized for bio-security measures. Coveralls or work clothes will be necessary for the hands-on portion of the class.
$175/person enrolled in the NWNY Team*
$225/person not enrolled in the NWNY Team
*Not enrolled in the NWNY Team? Contact your local CCE office for more information.
Margaret Quaassdorff: 585-405-2567 or maq27@cornell.edu
Hoof Trimming Workshop Flyer (PDF; 575KB)