Event Details
June 6, 2019
9:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Poorman Farms * new location*
3048 State Route 414
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
This event is free.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Jenn Thomas Murphy
email Jenn Thomas Murphy
2019 Small Grains Management Field Day
June 6, 2019Program Agenda:
- Registration and refreshments, 9:30 - 10 AM
- View winter wheat and winter barley variety plots
- Welcome and introductions (5 min.)
- 2019 Crop development and management observations, Cornell Cooperative Extension Field Crops Educators (20 min)
- Small grain breeding, varieties, and availability of seed, David Benscher, Phil Atkins (15 min)
- Progress on the ?Born, Bred, and Brewed in New York' spring barley variety development, Daniel Sweeney (10 min)
- Nitrogen fertility for small grains, Mike Stanyard (10 min.)
- Update on integrated disease management in small grains - including new fungicide options, Gary Bergstrom, (15 min)
- New developments in the barley-malt-beer value chain, various speakers including Jeff Trout, grower, Judd Hallett, maltster, and Jon Paul Partee, brewer, (15 min)
- Updates and comments from attendees, (10 min.) [incl. market conditions, new products and services]