Event Details
January 14, 2019
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Holiday Inn at Exit 37
441 Electronics Parkway
Liverpool, NY 13088
Cornell Cooperative Extension Agricultural Workforce Development
Rich Stup
(607) 255-7890
email Rich Stup
Becker Forum
January 14, 2019
Attorney Lynn Jacquez, CJ Lake LLC, Washington DC
Sexual Harassment Prevention, What You Must Know and Do as an Employer
Attorney Michael Sciotti, Barclay Damon Law Firm, Syracuse, NY
New York State Labor and Health Updates and Discussion
Role of the State Monitor Advocate and Services for Finding Local Workers
Immigration Enforcement Trends and Worksite Issues
Financing Farm Worker Housing
Housing Issues Grower Panel: Best Practices for Managing Employer-provided Housing
After January 5, registration is $120/person.
For a complete agenda and to register: http://nysvga.org/expo/information/
email: nysvegetablegrowers@gmail.com
2019 Becker Forum Flyer (PDF; 483KB)
2019 Becker Forum Agenda (PDF; 22KB)