Event Details
November 1, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Lawnel Farms
2413 Craig Road
Piffard, NY 14533
$75.00 Includes lunch & materials
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsCathy Wallace
585-343-3040 x138
email Cathy Wallace
Feeder School - 2 day on-farm training, Day 2
November 1, 2017
Topics covered over course of the 2 day school:
- Feeders impact on the bottom line.
- Rumen physiology - what every feeder should know.
- Nutrition - Impact of feeders on the ration.
- Dry matter monitoring.
- Basic bunk silo management.
- Packing density, preservation.
- Feed bunk management.
- TMR audits.
- Trouble shooting mixer wagons.
- Safety considerations for feeders.
Dr. Bill Stone, DVM, PhD, Director, Technical Services, Diamond V.
Area Dairy Specialists with Cornell Cooperative Extension, Cornell University
Dr. Jerry Bertoldo, DVM
Kathy Barrett, Dairy Education, Cornell PRO-DAIRY Program