Event Details
May 20, 2017
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
CCE - Wyoming County
36 Center Street, Suite B
Warsaw, NY 14569
Dave Keller
email Dave Keller
Successful Reproductive Management Forum - Wyoming Location
May 20, 2017
Wesley Smith - Herd Manager (both sites)
Fairvue Farms, Woodstock, CT
Running over 30% preg rate for the year. Four of the last 5 are over 40%. Fairvue is now branching out to include providing ET recips as part of the repro plan.
Joey Kwilos - Reproduction Manager (both sites)
Phillips Family Farm., North Collins, NY
Average 21 day preg rate of 35% with a high of 43% and a low of 29%. Consistently one of the premier Repro herds in the area.
Scott Yetter - Reproduction Manager (Canandaigua only)
Cornell University Dairy Research Center, Harford, NY
Scott is a former AI technician and has a unique story as the herd is running a very high preg rate despite cows being used for research.
Lyman Rudgers - owner (Warsaw only)
Rudgers Registered Jerseys, Attica, NY
High Production and High Repro Herd. A finalist in last year's DCRC Awards Program.
Reproductive Flyer (PDF; 441KB)