Event Details
February 15 - February 16, 2017
DoubleTree Syracuse
6301 State Route 298
East Syracuse, NY 13057
NY FarmNet
Kate Downes
email Kate Downes
Farm Transfer & Management Conference
February 15 - February 16, 2017
Keynote Speaker: Gary Schnitkey, Ph.D., University of Illinois
Dr. Gary Schnitkey is a professor and farm management specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois . His activities focus on farm management and risk management. Farm management work has focused on examination of issues impacting the profitability of grain farms including corn-soybean rotations, machinery economics, and factors separating profitable from unprofitable farms. Examples of work are available in the publication Illinois Farm Economics: Facts and Opinions available on farmdoc ( http://www.farmdoc.illinois.edu/manage/index.html ). This work has lead to the development of FAST, a series of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that aid farmers in decision-making
Risk management activities focus on crop insurance evaluation. Activities have focused on aiding farmers in understanding the risk and return tradeoffs of different crop insurance policies. Dr. Schnitkey is a co-developer of several on-line and and spreadsheet tools. Three of these are the 1) Ifarm Premium Calculator - a web-based tool that provides side by side comparisons of insurance premium, 2) Ifarm Insurance Evaluator - a web-based tool that provides risk-return evaluations of insurance products, and 3) Marketing and Crop Insurance Risk Model - a spreadsheet that evaluates alternative crop insurance and marketing strategies .
Other activities include conducting over 40 meetings with farmers on risk related projects over the past two year, preparing over 20 papers for popular outlets in 2003 through 2005, and authoring or co-authoring over 30 academic articles during his career.
Dr. Schnitkey grew up on a grain and hog farm in northwest Ohio. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from The Ohio State University and a Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. From 1987 through 1998, he was on faculty at The Ohio State University where he held a dairy farm management position. Since 1998, he has been employed at the University of Illinois.
Your registration fee includes seminar manuals, continental breakfast, luncheon, and afternoon snack.
Farm Transfer Flyer (PDF; 1466KB)