Event Details
August 27, 2013
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Williams Farms
5077 Russell Road
Marion, NY 14505
$5.00 CVP enrollees (1 enrollment)
$10.00 Non-enrollees
1.25 DEC credits if you attend the entire meeting - bring your card
CCE Vegetable Program
Carol MacNeil
email Carol MacNeil
Potato Growers Meeting: Varieties, Phytophthora Pink Rot, and Water Management
August 27, 2013Don Halseth, Cornell potato specialist, established a large trial and will be evaluating the maturity, yield and marketability of white, red and some specialty varieties. Growers will get to hear what he's learned so far. They'll also have an opportunity to describe how the varieties they're growing are performing. Tom Zitter, Cornell plant pathologist, will describe the integrated approach needed to combat pink rot. No fungicides can provide complete control. Cultural practices, such as making use of varietal resistance, where available, and crop rotation, are essential. In addition, significant attention must be given to water management (reducing compaction/deep ripping, tiling and ditching, etc.) since pink rot is a water-driven disease. Several fungicides have activity against the pink rot organism, and the choice, rates, application method and timing will be discussed. There will also be an update on this year's late blight development and how best to protect the crop.