Event Details
May 6, 2013
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Riga Town Hall, Multi-purpose Room
6460 Buffalo Road
Churchville, NY 14428
$35.00 per person/farm for the series
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsCathy Wallace
585-343-3040 x138
email Cathy Wallace
Starting a Livestock Farm on a Shoestring Workshop Series
May 6, 2013
Cornell University Cooperative Extension's Small Farms Specialist, Nancy Glazier is offering a beginning farmer educational series kicking off the evening of April 8 in Churchville, NY.
Assisting will be Joan Petzen, Farm Business Management Specialist. Topics covered will be business planning, basic bookkeeping, budgeting, soil basics, feeding and shelter. Time will be available each evening for hands-on activities. The series is geared towards livestock, but other operations will benefit as well. The goal of the series is to provide each farm the right tools to get started. A hand resource notebook will be provided for each farm.
Class size is limited, so sign up early!!
For workshop questions please call: Nancy Glazier at 585-315-7746