Event Details
February 4, 2016
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn
2468 NYS Route 414
Waterloo, NY 13165
$35.00 Enrolled in NWNY Team
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
$45.00 Non-enrollee in NWNY Team
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsCathy Wallace
585-343-3040 x138
email Cathy Wallace
Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
February 4, 2016
Come and get all the latest on soybean/small grains production from Cornell researchers, extension, and local industry. Visit with all of your favorite local industry representatives a the Ag. Exhibitor Trade show and get answers to all your questions on the latest technology and innovations!
Topics to be covered:
- Report Card on Management of Fusarium Head Blight and DON in New York
- Soilborne Diseases of Soybean: Lessons from the Midwest
- NY Soybean Yield Contest Winners - How did they do it!
- New Federal Requirements for Worker Protection Standards
- NY Malting Barley Supply Chain Analysis Survey
- Cornell Small Grain Variety Trial Summaries
- Economics of Double Cropping, Winter Cereals for Forage Following Corn Silage
- Soybean Insect and Weed Pest Management
Soybean/Small Grains Brochure (PDF; 891KB)