Event Details
July 16, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Musgrave Research Farm
1256 Poplar Ridge Road
Aurora, NY 13026
Cornell Field Crops
Jenn Thomas-Murphy
email Jenn Thomas-Murphy
Aurora Farm Field Day
July 16, 2015Presentation Topics:
- 2015 updates on soil health and Adapt-N
- Corn-soybean-wheat clover rotation under conventional and organic management in the organic transition year
- Nitrogen management topics
- Northern leaf blight of corn: new research and breeding for resistance
- Spring malting barley (variety x fungicide management)
- Superweeds and other myths about herbicide resistance
- Western Bean Cutworm and other field crop 2015 season pest updates
- Winter cereal cover crops for organic no-till soybean
2015 AFFD Flyer (PDF; 2179KB)