Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

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Cornell Seed Growers Field Day

Event Details


July 2, 2024


NYSIP Foundation Seed Barn
791 Dryden Road, Route 366
Ithaca, NY 14853


Cornell Seed Growers

Alan Taylor

Please Save the Date for the Cornell Seed Growers Field Day to be held the morning of July 2nd.  The event will be held at the NYSIP Foundation Seed Barn, 791 Dryden Rd., Rt. 366, Ithaca, NY. 

8:30-8:55         Registration, coffee, & networking


8:55                 Begin tour


9:00-10:15a  Small Grains: Breeding for Quality and Disease Resistance          Mark Sorrells 

• White and red winter wheat varieties 

• Spring oat and spring barley varieties 

• High quality spring and winter malting barley varieties for NY 

• Free-threshing emmer and spelt varieties

• Potential new hulless oat variety release

• Update on certified seed inventory by crop (RJ Richtmyer)


10:15-10:35a Explaining the Birds and Bees Act and how it will impact neonicotinoid seed treatments in NYS    (Alejandro Calixto)


10:35a-12:00p  Forages, cover crops, pulse and industrial hemp 

• Pre-breeding diverse alfalfa germplasm from the USDA gene bank (Virginia Moore)

• Breeding alfalfa for compatibility with intermediate wheatgrass in a dual-purpose grain-forage system (Leah Treffer)

• Forage yield trial updates (Julie Hansen)

• Cover crop breeding updates (Solveig Hanson)

• Pulse crop update: lentil seeding rate & grain pea variety evaluations (Solveig Hanson)

• Hemp fiber variety evaluation (Luis Monserrate)


12:00pm           Adjourn


DEC and CCA education credits will be requested   

Contacts: Alan Taylor (315-521-0439), and Margaret Smith (607-255-1654,

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Upcoming Events

Swine 101 - Western

September 23, 2024
Mount Morris, NY

Do you raise pigs? Join us for a free informative workshop, sponsored by the New York Pork Producers. Topics include:

Marketing, Understanding the Pork Checkoff, Biosecurity, Pest & Parasite Management, and Animal Identification: RFID Tags, Do I Need Them?

Event & Dinner supported by the New York Pork Producers with funds from the National Pork Board

Swine 101 - Finger Lakes

September 24, 2024 : Swine 101 - Finger Lakes
Branchport, NY

Do you raise pigs? Join us for a free informative workshop, sponsored by the New York Pork Producers. Topics include:

Marketing, Understanding the Pork Checkoff, Biosecurity, Pest & Parasite Management, and Animal Identification: RFID Tags, Do I Need Them?

Event & Dinner supported by the New York Pork Producers with funds from the National Pork Board

Cornell Cow Convos Podcast- Episode 13 Release

September 26, 2024

Cornell Cow Convos-Episode 13


2024 Red Winter Wheat Summaries

Click Here to see the wheat variety tables!

2024 Soft White Winter Wheat Summaries

Click Here to see the wheat variety tables!

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