Event Details
February 26, 2015
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Byrncliff Resort & Conference Center
2357 Humphrey Road
Varysburg, NY 14167
$35.00 Enrolled in NWNY Team
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
$45.00 Non-enrollee in NWNY Team
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsCathy Wallace
585-343-3040 x138
email Cathy Wallace
2015 Step It Up Winter Grazing Conference: Improving Management
February 26, 2015Keynote Speaker:
Bruce Rivington - Bruce and Nancy, along with their family, own and operate Red Gate Farm, which is located in the southern hills of Madison County. The colorful herd of 400 Ayrshire and cross bred cows calve seasonally each spring so that they give most of their delicious milk while receiving fresh grass twice daily during the growing season. Almost two decades of rotational grazing experience enable them to keep the lush paddocks of their all grass farm at their best. All young stock also live on this fine grass throughout the summer. The Rivington family's passion for grazing is evident throughout the hill and valley fields of their beautiful farm. They supply milk to make sweet cream butter at Kriemhild Dairy Farms. Bruce was also a member of Prograssinators, a national grazing discussion group.
Karen Hoffman - Karen is a Resource Conservationist in Animal Science with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Her focus is dairy nutrition. She is the coordinator of the New York Grazing Coalition Grazette, a monthly e-newsletter and events calendar. Her office is located in Norwich.
Dr. Rick Watters - Rick received his PhD from Cornell University and his MS degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research at Cornell centered on milking methodologies, milk fractions and oxytocin profiles in Holstein cows milked 3x a day. He currently provides leadership for the Geneseo Quality Milk Promotion Services Lab.
Keynote Speaker Sponsored by:
Dairy One
2015 Step It Up Winter Grazing Brochure (PDF; 346KB)