Event Details
July 21, 2020
12:30 pm
This event is free.
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field CropsEnglish Heat Stress Webinar: Key Indicators and Management Strategies
July 21, 2020
Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY, the NWNY Team and the SWNY Team are offering a webinar on Heat Stress: Key Indicators & Management Strategies in both English and Spanish. The same information will be shared during both webinars. Each webinar is free and registration is not required. Join Zoom webinar here.
Heat Stress: Key Indicators and Management Strategies
July 21, 2020 at 12:30 PM
Margaret Quaassdorff & Alycia Drwencke, Dairy Management Specialists
Learn about the negative repercussions of heat stress in dairy cows and calves along with ways to prevent and mitigate it.