Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Enrollment

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  • Dairy Management
  • Farm Business Management
  • Field Crops
  • Livestock & Small Farms

Enrollment Benefits

  • Telephone / Email Consultations
  • Ag Focus Newsletter
  • Direct Mailings
  • Educational Meetings & Conferences
  • In-Field Educational Opportunities
  • On-Farm Research Trials

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  • Issues of Ag Focus Newsletters
  • Helpful Diagnostic Tool:
      What's wrong with my crop?

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View Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Events Only

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January 2020

Dairy Day

January 3 - January 24, 2020
Lowville, NY 13367, NY

January 3rd - Bruston-Moira Legion
January 22nd - Lowville Elks
January 24th - Watertown Elks

Livestock Techniques Hands-on Workshop ~ Ballston Spa location

January 7, 2020
5-7 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

Three locations to choose from.

Livestock Techniques Hands-on Workshop ~ Cobleskill location

January 8, 2020
5-7 pm
Cobleskill, NY

Three locations to choose from.

Corn Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 8, 2020
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Batavia, NY

Corn Congress - Batavia Location
Please join the NWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crop Team for our annual Corn Congress.  DEC re-certification points and Certified Crop Adviser credits available, so bring your picture ID.  Lunch is included.  Hear from program-related professionals and visit with our sponsoring vendors.  

**CANCELLED**Livestock Techniques Hands-on Workshop ~ Cooperstown location

January 9, 2020
5-7 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Three locations to choose from.

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 9, 2020
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Corn Congress - Waterloo Location
Please join the NWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field CropsTeam for our annual Corn Congress. DEC re-certification points and Certified Crop Adviser credits available, so bring your picture ID. Lunch is included. Hear from program-related professionals and visit with our sponsoring vendors. 

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Otsego County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 13, 2020
1-3 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Come and discuss pest management and growing season issues that affected your crops in 2019 and look ahead to changes you might make for 2020.

**CANCELLED** Questions About the New NYS Farm Labor Laws? Chat with an Expert in Fonda

January 14, 2020
1-3 pm
Fonda, NY

Come join the CNYDLFC team and Agriculture Labor Specialists from NYS Department of Labor to get the answers you need.  

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Chenango County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 14, 2020
1-3 pm
Norwich, NY

Come and discuss pest management and growing season issues that affected your crops in 2019 and look ahead to changes you might make for 2020.

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Madison County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 15, 2020
1-3 pm
Morrisville, NY

Come and discuss pest management and growing season issues that affected your crops in 2019 and look ahead to changes you might make for 2020.

QuickBooks for Farmers and Growers

January 15 - February 5, 2020
10am-12pm on January 15, 22, 29 & February 5
Cortland, NY

QuickBooks for Farmers and Growers
This is a beginner level class is for farm bookkeepers who want to improve financial record keeping, figure out whether QuickBooks software is a good fit for their business, or enhance their QuickBooks skills. In this 4-part series, you will learn how to set up and use QuickBooks from the ground up.

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Fulton/Montgomery Counties

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 16, 2020
1-3 pm
Fonda, NY

Come and discuss pest management and growing season issues that affected your crops in 2019 and look ahead to changes you might make for 2020.

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Portland

January 16, 2020
10:30am - 12pm
Portland, NY

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Portland
Join Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist with SWNYDLFC, and Agriculture Labor Specialists from NYS Department of Labor (DOL) to learn more about the new Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act and how it will affect your farm business.

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Ellicottville

January 16, 2020
2:30pm - 4pm
Ellicottville, NY

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Ellicottville
Join Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist with SWNYDLFC, and Agriculture Labor Specialists from NYS Department of Labor (DOL) to learn more about the new Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act and how it will affect your farm business.

2020 Hemp Session

January 16, 2020
9am - 2:15pm
Syracuse, NY

2020 Hemp Session
Hemp Session at the Empire State Producers Expo!

Dairy Managers Discussion Group - Session I

January 16, 2020
Noon lunch, meeting 1 - 3pm
Homer, NY

The Cortland Area Dairy Managers Discussion Group will host
Dr Julio Giordano from Cornell University, who will discuss Reproductive Strategies and associated program costs

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Schoharie County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 17, 2020
1-3 pm
Cobleskill, NY

Come and discuss pest management and growing season issues that affected your crops in 2019 and look ahead to changes you might make for 2020.

Field Crop Pest Management Meeting ~ Saratoga County

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 21, 2020
1-3 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

Save the date for Field Crop Pest Management Meetings!

24th Annual North Country Crop Congress

January 21, 2020
10:30am - 3pm
Canton, NY


Mike Hunter, Cornell University Cooperative Extension

Warren Schneckenberger, Cedar Lodge Farms, Morrisburg, Ontario

Dr. Gary Bergstrom, Cornell University

Joe Lawrence, PRODAIRY, Cornell University

Dan Digiacomandrea, Bayer

Farmer panel moderated by Dr. Kitty O'Neil, Cornell University Cooperative Extension

Sheep and Goat Nutrition 101

January 21, 2020
5 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Come join us for an informational sheep and goat talk regarding nutrition. 

Southern Tier Crop Congress

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 22, 2020
9am - 2:30pm
Belfast, NY

Southern Tier Crop Congress
On Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany County in conjunction with the Southwestern NY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team will be hosting the Southern Tier Crop Congress in Belfast, NY from 9 am to 2:30 pm. This meeting will feature recent updates in field crop and forage production as we look into the 2020 growing season.

Modern On-Farm Preparedness (All Sessions)

January 23 - February 27, 2020
1-2 pm Webinars, 1-4 pm On farm

Six sessions created to help farms prepare for modern situations
- Jan 23:  Urgent Situations (Cuyler Fire Department) *this session cancelled*
- Jan 30:  F.A.R.M 4.0 Update (live webinar, 2 locations Homer and Owego)
- Feb 6:  Activists (live webinar 2 locations Homer and Owego)
- Feb 13:  Social Media (Homer)
- Feb 20:  Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity (live webinar, 2 locations Homer and Owego)
- Feb 27:  On Farm Safety - Prevention, Prevention, Prevention (on-farm, E-Z Acres, Homer) *this session cancelled*

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Urgent Situations

January 23, 2020
1-4 pm
Perry, NY

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Urgent Situations
Preparedness for Urgent Situations.  Be Prepared for a fire, weather emergency or barn damage. Learn from NYCAMH and the local fire department how to prepare for the unexpected.  
On-Farm, 1-4 pm

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Urgent Situations - CANCELLED

January 23, 2020
1-4 pm
Truxton, NY

CANCELLED - Preparedness for Urgent Situations.  Be Prepared for a fire, weather emergency or barn damage.
1-4 pm, Cuyler Fire Department

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Hornell

January 23, 2020
11am - 12:30pm
Hornel, NY

*CANCELLED* Farm Labor Law Info Sessions - Hornell
Join Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist with SWNYDLFC, and Agriculture Labor Specialists from NYS Department of Labor (DOL) to learn more about the new Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act and how it will affect your farm business.

NY Corn & Soybean Winter Expo

January 23, 2020
8:00am - 3:00pm
Liverpool, NY

NY Corn & Soybean Winter Expo
The New York Corn & Soybean Growers Association invites you to join us on Thursday, January 23, 2020 for our Winter Expo in Syracuse, New York.


Winter Crop Meeting

Event Offers DEC Credits

January 24, 2020
Registration & Tradeshow: 9am Presentations: 10 am - 3:15 pm
Ithaca, NY

The Winter Crop Meeting features Current and Emerging  Crop Production Topics 

Dairy Forage Options for Marginally Drained Land~ Cooperstown

January 27, 2020
1-3:00 pm
Cooperstown, NY

This workshop will be an informal discussion of what you can do to make the most of less than ideally drained fields.

Dairy Forage Options for Marginally Drained Land~ Norwich

January 28, 2020
1-3:00 pm
Norwich, NY

This workshop will be an informal discussion of what you can do to make the most of less than ideally drained fields.

Dairy Forage Options for Marginally Drained Land~ Morrisville

January 29, 2020
1-3:00 pm
Morrisville, NY

This workshop will be an informal discussion of what you can do to make the most of less than ideally drained fields.

Hemp Workshop St. Lawrence County(Madrid)

January 29, 2020
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Madrid, NY

  • Plant biology and characteristics, different types, different varieties, growth requirements
  • How it's typically planted, managed and harvested
  • Update on NYS hemp regulations, permitting process
  • Current supply chain for hemp products including products that are currently being produced in New York as well as potential products

Modern On Farm Preparedness - F.A.R.M. 4.0 Update

January 30, 2020
1-2 pm
Albion, NY

Modern On Farm Preparedness - F.A.R.M. 4.0 Update
The F.A.R.M. Program is evolving as farmers implement the program.  Learn about how farmers have used and gained benefits and how you can use the F.A.R.M. program.
Live Webinar, 1-2pm, 

Modern On Farm Preparedness - F.A.R.M. Update, Homer, NY

January 30, 2020
1-2 pm
Homer, NY

The F.A.R.M. Program is evolving as farmers implement the program.  Learn about how farmers have used and gained benefits and how you can use the F.A.R.M. program.
Live Webinar, 1-2pm, Farm Credit East, Homer

Modern On Farm Preparedness - F.A.R.M. Update, Owego, NY

January 30, 2020
1-2 pm
Owego, NY

The F.A.R.M. Program is evolving as farmers implement the program.  Learn about how farmers have used and gained benefits and how you can use the F.A.R.M. program.
Live Webinar, 1-2pm, CCE Tioga, Owego

Dairy Forage Options for Marginally Drained Land~ Fonda

January 30, 2020
1-3:00 pm
Fonda, NY

This workshop will be an informal discussion of what you can do to make the most of less than ideally drained fields.

2019 Hemp Workshop - Lowville

January 30, 2020
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Lowville, NY

  • Plant biology and characteristics, different types, different varieties, growth requirements
  • How it's typically planted, managed and harvested
  • Update on NYS hemp regulations, permitting process
  • Current supply chain for hemp products including products that are currently being produced in New York as well as potential products

The Basics of Making Great Hay

January 30, 2020
Lockport, NY

Feed is one of the biggest costs with raising livestock and making hay can be one of the biggest challenges. Come and learn the basics. 

The Basics of Making Great Hay

January 30, 2020
Lockport, NY

Feed is one of the biggest costs with raising livestock and making hay can be one of the biggest challenges. Come and learn the basics. 

Modern On-Farm Preparedness Program

January 30 - February 27, 2020
Times will vary.
Lowville, NY 13367, NY

Webinars can be accessed at the local site or signed in anywhere from a mobile device or computer.
Six consecutive Thursday afternoons: January 23 - February 27. Attend all sessions or individual sessions.
Registration is $10 per session or $50 for all six sessions.

Presenting organizations:
Cornell Cooperative Extension, NY State Cattle Health Assurance Program, American Dairy Association, and New York Center for Agriculture and Health.

NNY Locations:
CCE Jefferson Office, 203 N Hamilton St, Watertown,NY
Miner Institute Conference Room, 1034 Miner Farm Road, Chazy, NY

QuickBooks for Farmers and Growers

January 31 - February 21, 2020
1-3 pm
Morrisville, NY

Hands on classes for learning and using QuickBooks for farming operations. Save accounting and bookkeeping time (and money).

Spring Manure Handling and Safety Meeting

January 31, 2020
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Cortland, NY

This meeting is to help train farm and Ag service business employees to do their jobs safely and to help them meet the standards that concern them. Safe equipment and truck operation, responsible manure handling and application, and personal safety practices will be covered.

Fee will be $10/person at the door and covers lunch. Online registration is available or contact Donette Griffith to register; or call 607-391-2662.

February 2020

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County Feb. 4th

February 4, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Lockport, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County Feb. 4th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 4, February 18, and March 5, 2020. 

Soybean & Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 5, 2020
8:30a.m Registration. Program 10:00am - 3:30pm
Batavia, NY

Soybean & Small Grains Congress - Batavia Location
Please join Cornell Cooperative Extension's NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team for the annual Soybean & Small Grains Congress to be held at the Quality Inn & Suites, 8250 Park Road, Batavia, NY.

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Activist Preparedness

February 6, 2020
1-2 pm
Batavia, NY

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Activist Preparedness
This session will address several aspects of dealing with activists, including good hiring practices, available resources for support, and a plan of who to contact if something happens on your farm. Learn how to talk about videos taken on other farms and how to prepare your employees for these events
1-2 pm

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Activist Preparedness, Homer, NY

February 6, 2020
1-2 pm
Homer, NY

This session will address several aspects of dealing with activists, including good hiring practices, available resources for support, and a plan of who to contact if something happens on your farm. Learn how to talk about videos taken on other farms and how to prepare your employees for these events
1-2 pm Farm Credit East, Homer

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Activist Preparedness, Owego, NY

February 6, 2020
1-2 pm
Owego, NY

This session will address several aspects of dealing with activists, including good hiring practices, available resources for support, and a plan of who to contact if something happens on your farm. Learn how to talk about videos taken on other farms and how to prepare your employees for these events
1-2 pm CCE Tioga, Owego

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 6, 2020
8:30am Registration. Program 10:00am - 3:30pm
Waterloo, NY

Soybean/Small Grains Congress - Waterloo Location
Please join Cornell Cooperative Extension's NWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team for the annual Soybean & Small Grains Congress to be held at the Quality Inn, 2468 Route 414, Waterloo NY.

2020 Hemp Producer's Conference

February 6, 2020
9 am - 3 pm
Binghamton, NY

Cost of Conference is $30 per person and includes lunch. A scholarship for veterans is available. To register click here

NYS Beef Winter Conference

February 7 - February 9, 2020
Syracuse, NY

The NYBPA is a group of beef producers dedicated to working together for the improvement of the beef industry. Never before in the history of the cattle industry has it been more important for you to stand up and be counted as a member of the New York Beef Producers' Association.

The pressures and influences from outside our industry are so varied and dangerous that no individual cattle producer - large or small - can possibly handle them alone. But working together, we can make a difference!

Precision Ag Workshops - Seneca County Feb. 7th

February 7, 2020
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ovid, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Seneca County Feb. 7th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 7th, March 3rd and April 3rd. 

2020 Corn Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

February 11, 2020
10 am-3 pm
Cooperstown, NY

CNYDLFC Annual Corn Day 2020

Dairy Managers Discussion Group - Session II **CANCELLED**

February 12, 2020
Noon lunch, meeting 1 - 3pm
Homer, NY

The Cortland Area Dairy Managers Discussion Group will host:
Dr Richard Stup from Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development.  
Discussion around Farms' Responses to Ag Labor Laws

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Social Media

February 13, 2020
1-4 pm
Oakfield, NY

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Social Media
How to respond to negative comments on farm pages. Resources to tap into and people you can call for effective responses.
1-4 pm 

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Social Media

February 13, 2020
1-4 pm
Homer, NY

How to respond to negative comments on farm pages. Resources to tap into and people you can call for effective responses.
Farm Credit East, Homer

Grazing Dairy Discussion Group

February 14, 2020
Canton, NY

RSVP with Casey Havekes at or Betsy Hodge at or call the office at 315-379-9192 ext. 227

Cost is $5.00 for Lunch

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County Feb. 18th

February 18, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Lockport, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County Feb. 18th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 4, February 18, and March 5, 2020. 

**CANCELLED**2020 Winter Update - Steuben County

February 18, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
Hornell, NY

**CANCELLED**2020 Winter Update - Steuben County
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!

Automated Milking System (AMS) Management Discussion Group - Homer, NY

February 19, 2020
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Homer, NY

Automated Milking System (AMS) Management Discussion Group - Homer, NY
AMS daily task efficiency is the topic for this discussion group meeting, with future discussion group topics to include: lameness and cow comfort, milk production, and AMS maintenance.

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity

February 20, 2020
1-2 pm
Warsaw, NY

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity
 Do you have a plan in place if there is a disease outbreak on the farm? Dr Melanie Hemenway, State Veterinarian, will provide concrete steps to deal with disease outbreaks and make biosecurity recommendations for prevention.
1-2 pm 

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity, Homer, NY

February 20, 2020
1-2 pm
Homer, NY

 Do you have a plan in place if there is a disease outbreak on the farm? Dr Melanie Hemenway, State Veterinarian, will provide concrete steps to deal with disease outbreaks and make biosecurity recommendations for prevention.
1-2 pm 
Farm Credit East, Homer

Modern On Farm Preparedness - Disease Outbreaks & Biosecurity, Owego, NY

February 20, 2020
1-2 pm
Owego, NY

 Do you have a plan in place if there is a disease outbreak on the farm? Dr Melanie Hemenway, State Veterinarian, will provide concrete steps to deal with disease outbreaks and make biosecurity recommendations for prevention.
1-2 pm 
CCE Tioga, Owego

Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County Feb. 20th

February 20, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Batavia, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County Feb. 20th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 20, March 6, and March 27, 2020. 

Connecting The Dots: Linking Dollars to Dairy Grazing Decisions

February 25, 2020
Tully, NY

Connecting The Dots: Linking Dollars to Dairy Grazing Decisions
Join us for a conversation about how to plan and manage your grazing system to achieve the results that you want! Madison County Grazing Specialist and veteran grazier Troy Bishop, aka The Grass Whisperer, will be on hand to facilitate a discussion around grazing approaches and planning tools.

Crop Risk Management Series for New and Beginning Farmers~Cooperstown

February 25 - March 3, 2020
6-8 pm
Cooperstown, NY

The CNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team is hosting a 2-part mini series designed to teach producers about the importance of managing risk on their farm enterprise.

2020 Winter Update - Cattaraugus County

February 25, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
Ellicottville, NY

2020 Winter Update - Cattaraugus County
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!

On-Farm Transition Cow Support w/ Alltech (Spanish & English)

February 26, 2020
Homer, NY

On-Farm Transition Cow Support w/ Alltech (Spanish & English)
Alltech's On-Farm Support Specialist, Jorge Delgado will be leading discussion around Transition Cow Care and the Maternity Pen.  Both Spanish and English speaking employees and owners are invited to attend!
This is great opportunity to come together over a meal to troubleshoot problems on-farm, and bridge gaps between owners and employees, including language barriers!

CANCELLED - Automated Milking System (AMS) Management Discussion Group - Mt. Morris, NY

February 26, 2020
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Mount Morris, NY

CANCELLED - Automated Milking System (AMS) Management Discussion Group - Mt. Morris, NY
EVENT CANCELLED - Will be Rescheduled at a Later Date. 
Milk Quality Management in AMS systems will be our first topic, with future discussion group topics to include: lameness and cow comfort, milk production, AMS daily task efficiency, and AMS maintenance. 

CANCELLED! Crop Risk Management Series for New and Beginning Farmers~Morrisville

February 26 - March 4, 2020
6-8 pm
Morrisville, NY

The CNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team is hosting a 2-part mini series designed to teach producers about the importance of managing risk on their farm enterprise.

Modern On Farm Preparedness - On-Farm Safety - CANCELLED

February 27, 2020
1-4 pm
Homer, NY

 Accidents happen, but this session will focus on prevention and also address accident response.
1-4 pm 
E-Z Acres, Homer, NY

CANCELLED! Crop Risk Management Series for New and Beginning Farmers~Ballston Spa

February 27 - March 5, 2020
6-8 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

The CNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team is hosting a 2-part mini series designed to teach producers about the importance of managing risk on their farm enterprise.

The Basics of Making Great Hay

February 29, 2020
Lockport, NY

The Basics of Making Great Hay
Feed is one of the biggest costs with raising livestock and making hay can be one of the biggest challenges. Come and learn the basics. 

March 2020

Precision Ag Workshops - Seneca County March 3rd

March 3, 2020
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ovid, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Seneca County March 3rd
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 7th, March 3rd and April 3rd. 

**CANCELLED**2020 Winter Update - Allegany County

March 3, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
Belmont, NY

**CANCELLED**2020 Winter Update - Allegany County
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!

Automated Milking System Discussion Group

March 4, 2020
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Ellicottville, NY

Automated Milking System Discussion Group
Join us for our next round of discussion groups focused on producers using Automated Milking System technology.

**New Date** Modern On Farm Preparedness - On-Farm Safety

March 5, 2020
1-4 pm
Strykersville, NY

**New Date** Modern On Farm Preparedness - On-Farm Safety
 Accidents happen, but this session will focus on prevention and also address accident response.
1-4 pm at Breezyhill Dairy, 2705 N Sheldon Rd, Strykersville, NY.

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County March 5th

March 5, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Lockport, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Niagara County March 5th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 4, February 18, and March 5, 2020. 

Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County March 6th

March 6, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Batavia, NY

Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County March 6th
Interested in learning more about how Precision Agriculture can be implemented on your farm? This free series offers 3 different workshops on February 20, March 6, and March 27, 2020. 

Spring Manure Handling and Safety Meeting

March 6, 2020
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Cortland, NY

Spring Manure Handling and Safety Meeting
This meeting is to help train farm and Ag service business employees to do their jobs safely and to help them meet the standards that concern them. Safe equipment and truck operation, responsible manure handling and application, and personal safety practices will be covered.

28th Annual Rural Landowners Workshop

March 7, 2020
9:00am - 3:00pm
Yorkshire, NY

28th Annual Rural Landowners Workshop
On Saturday, March 7, 2020 Cornell Cooperative Extension will be sponsoring the 28th Annual Rural Landowner Workshop. The program will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. Following the opening session there will be three concurrent sessions with multiple classes per session to choose from.

Meat Marketing Workshop ~ Morrisville

March 9, 2020
5-7:30 pm
Morrisville, NY

Join us for the Profitable Meat Marketing workshop to find out if you are covering all your meat marketing costs-including your TIME-and bringing in a profit. 

New York Certified Organic March Meeting

March 10, 2020
10 am
Waterloo, NY

New York Certified Organic March Meeting
Dewey, a reporter with the USDA Market News Service, Greeley, CO, will talk about the domestic organic grain market. Kilpatrick will share from his 20-plus years of experience in the quality organic grains, feed ingredients, and custom fertilizer industry. 

Winchell, who has practiced dairy nutrition for more than 20 years and specializes in forage quality and mycotoxin control, will talk about managing mycotoxins in forages. Hanchar, with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Northwest NY Ag Team, will review a four-year economic study on transitioning to organic crop production at the Aurora Research Farm.

2020 Dairy Day

March 10, 2020
Cooperstown, NY

How can YOU improve your milk price and milk income?

**CANCELLED** 2020 Winter Update - Erie County

March 10, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
East Aurora, NY

**CANCELLED** 2020 Winter Update - Erie County
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!

2020 Steuben County Crop Symposium

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 11, 2020
9am - 1pm
Bath, NY

2020 Steuben County Crop Symposium
Updates regarding the WPS created to protect employees in agribusiness fields, including farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses from work related exposure to agricultural pesticides; Dealing with the Double Whammy of Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Cyst Nematode Expansion in NY; The Biology and Ecology of Palmer amaranth and Waterhemp: what you need to know, now, to avoid problems later.

New York Beef Producers' Association Region 2 Annual Meeting

March 14, 2020
Little Valley, NY

Join beef producers from Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties for their annual regional business meeting, followed by dinner and guest speakers sharing presentations centered around Feeder to Finish. Everyone with an interest in the beef industry is welcome to attend - membership in the association is not required.

Topics covered provide BQA re-certification credits.

New York Beef Producers' Association Region 1 Annual Dinner & Meeting

March 16, 2020
Alden, NY

Join beef producers from Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming counties for their annual regional dinner and business meeting. The guest speaker will be Karen Wheatley with Premier Select Sires.

***CANCELLED**** 2020 Chemung County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board Training

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 17, 2020
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Big Flats, NY

***CANCELLED**** 2020 Chemung County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board Training
Presented by: NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation and Cortland CCE
Topics include: Hemp as an Agricultural Crop, Herbicide Resistant Weeds at our Doorstep and their Management, Pesticide Record Keeping, Succession Planning and Farmland Protection Updates and Grants

**CANCELLED**Laing Gro TIMAC Agro USA Winter 2020

March 17, 2020
10am - 2pm
North Collins, NY

EVENT CANCELLED: The meeting that was set to be hosted by Timac Agro USA and Laing-Gro at Langford Fire hall on Tuesday, March 17th has been canceled. Thank you to everyone for your interest in coming to this event. 

** CANCELED ** Certified Pesticide Applicator Training 3/18 & 3/20 - Albion, NY

March 18 - March 20, 2020
8:00am - 12:30pm Registration begins at 7:45am
Albion, NY

** CANCELED ** Certified Pesticide Applicator Training 3/18 & 3/20 - Albion, NY
Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, this event has been canceled. 

***CANCELLED*** LEAF 2020: Interpreting Soil Sample Reports

March 19, 2020
6pm - 8pm
Jamestown, NY

In this workshop, led by Josh Putman, Field Crops Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension's Southwest NY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Regional Team, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about soil sampling. Topics to be covered include why it's important to sample soils, how to take a soil sample, the difference between a pH test and a full analysis soil sample, and how to read a soil sample report. We'll also have a hands-on portion for this workshop that will include a demonstration on using the Cornell pH Test Kit, practice examples on how to determine fertilizer and lime application rates based on your sample report, and how to determine your soil type. 

COVID-19 and Your Dairy

March 20, 2020
10 am

Richard Stup, PhD, Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development and Rob Lynch, DVM, Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY

Topics include: why prevention of the coronavirus/COVID-19 is important, steps that employers should take to protect employees, animal health considerations, what to do if service providers are not available, disaster contingency plans, cross-training of employees who can fill other roles, business resources for employers, and pending federal and state legislation related to coronavirus and employees.

COVID-19 and Your Dairy, Webinar on Friday, March 20 @10 AM EST

March 20, 2020
10am - 11am

COVID-19 and Your Dairy, Webinar on Friday, March 20 @10 AM EST
Steps that dairy managers should consider to protect their workforce, their business and their markets. 

***CANCELLED*** Make a Business Plan that Doesn't Sit on a Shelf

March 21, 2020
10am - 12noon
Jamestown, NY

***CANCELLED*** Make a Business Plan that Doesn't Sit on a Shelf
Business plans for farms are often viewed as yet another chore to do and usually result in dusty binders taking up space on the office shelf. Let's chat with Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension's SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program, on developing business plans that can do more and will benefit your farm business. 

****POSTPONED**** New York Pork Producers Annual Meeting

March 21, 2020
7:45 AM
Waterloo, NY


Updated 3/10/20

In light of the emerging health threat and travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus, the NY Pork Producers Annual Meeting, set for March 21st, has been postponed. The event will be rescheduled once the threat has passed, and a new date is determined. If you have pre-paid your registration and would like a refund, contact to make the request. Otherwise, the registration fee will be saved and applied to the upcoming rescheduled meeting.


The NY Pork Producers are hosting their annual meeting on Saturday, March 21st, at the Quality Inn located at 2468 NYS 414, Waterloo, NY. Registration starts at 7:45. The focus of this year's meeting will be on how to prepare for an on-farm crisis, with guest speakers from the National Pork Board. The cost of the event is $10/person, including lunch, and the deadline to register is March 13th. The registration sheet is attached or can be obtained by contacting Amy Barkley.

**CANCELLED** Cortland County Agriculture Celebration Banquet

March 24, 2020
6:30 pm
Solon, NY

**CANCELLED** Cortland County Agriculture Celebration Banquet
8th Annual Cortland County Agriculture Celebration Banquet
Bringing together agriculture, community and business to celebrate our
agricultural heritage and accomplishments.

***CANCELLED*** Field Crop and Forage Topics with Pioneer Seed

March 24, 2020
Registration: 10:30 am Program 11 am- 2 pm
Dryden, NY

With deepest regrets, we must cancel this educational event due to COVID-19 regulations. 

**CCA & DEC Categories 1A and 21 receive 1.25 credits **

Co-sponsored with VanPelt Farms & Pioneer Seed

***POSTPONED- TBD*** Pesticide Applicator Training

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 25, 2020
Dryden, NY

***POSTPONED- TBD*** Pesticide Applicator Training
Who Should Attend:
Individuals seeking a license for the use of pesticides on their own properties (Private License).
Individuals seeking a Commercial License (Please note: This course will provide a basic introduction to safe pesticide handling and use but additional coursework and experience may be necessary for eligibility).
Current applicators seeking Re-Certification Credits.

Livestock Trainings Offered Online

March 25 - December 31, 2020

During this time away from the field we have had quite a few producer's asking about certifications offered online.

***POSTPONED*** Calf Care Meeting w/ Purina (Spanish & English)

March 25, 2020
11:30 lunch, Meeting Noon - 1:30pm
Tully, NY

***POSTPONED*** Calf Care Meeting w/ Purina (Spanish & English)
This meeting is being postponed to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines at this time. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Tentative planning for this meeting is the last week in April - stay tuned for more information or contact Betsy Hicks at

Purina's On-Farm Support Specialists, Ranatta Young, DVM and Felix Soriano will be leading discussion around Calf Care.  Both Spanish and English speaking employees are invited to attend!

***CANCELLED/POSTPONED*** CORE Pesticide Training & NYSDEC Exam - Jamestown, NY

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2020
9AM - 12PM
Jamestown, NY

Josh Putman, Field Crops Specialist with the Southwest NY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program will provide an overview of the basic information involved in the pesticide application certification process and will present the basics of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

**CANCELED** - Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County March 27th

March 27, 2020
10:00am - Noon
Batavia, NY

**CANCELED** - Precision Ag Workshops - Genesee County March 27th
Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, this event has been canceled. 

***CANCELLED*** New York Beef Producers' Association Region 4 Annual Meeting

March 28, 2020
Belmont, NY

Join beef producers from Allegany and Steuben counties for their annual regional business meeting, followed by presentations from the newly formed SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team and Dr. Dan Tracy with Multimin USA. Everyone with an interest in the beef industry is welcome to attend - membership in the association is not required.

***CANCELLED*** Is Agri-tourism Right for You?

March 31, 2020
6pm - 8pm
Jamestown, NY

***CANCELLED*** Is Agri-tourism Right for You?
Inviting the public onto your farm or agribusiness might be an intimidating prospect - but an important one to help promote our local agricultural industry and your farm business - along with a diversified stream of income. Join Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension's SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program as she discusses the advantages, challenges, and unexpected details that come with inviting any group of people onto the farm.

***CANCELLED*** 2020 Winter Update - Chautauqua County

March 31, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
Jamestown, NY

***CANCELLED*** 2020 Winter Update - Chautauqua County
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!











Upcoming Events

On-Farm Research Network

March 17, 2025
Avon, NY

The Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Program and  Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program (NMSP)  are hosting a one-day event bringing together farmers, industry professionals, and researchers to explore the power of on-farm research and how to get involved.

View On-Farm Research Network Details

Transition Calf Workshop

March 18, 2025 : Transition Calf Program
Strykersville, NY

Are transition calves a bottleneck in your heifer rearing program?  Want to upskill your employees to improve the calf transition period? Join regional dairy specialists and PRO-Dairy for this comprehensive, hands-on workshop!

View Transition Calf Workshop Details

Colostrum and Calf Technologies

March 18, 2025 : Colostrum and Calf Technologies
Pavilion, NY

Join us for a dinner meeting with Penn State University's renowned calf specialist, Dr. Melissa Cantor, on new applied research on extended colostrum feeding and calf-hood technology use.

View Colostrum and Calf Technologies Details


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